Chapter 2

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AN: Dedicated to the wonderful xxSMxx, she writes amazing stories and her personality is even more amazing. Thanks for your support and comments and votes! Love you xx


Harry woke up to the sounds of people discussing and chatting around him. It was loud. Much too loud. The someone-was-playing-the-trombone-right-beside-his-ear kind of loud.

He groaned, trying to wiggle his toes to see, yes, at least those still worked. Looks like Louis hadn't killed him after all, huh! Not that it had done anything to the score, (Louis 1 - Harry 0) but at least Harry could try to get him back now.

He opened his eyes, but his sight was just one blotch of light-pink and yellow. Like a blurry mix of spongebob and Patrick. God, he loved that show.

After some blinking, the black spots in front of his eyes finally started to fade away, his vision getting better. Until, suddenly he noticed the blond boy's face hovering in front of his eyes, only an inch away, and smiling wickedly.

Harry shrieked, a sound much too femine for his likings, crambling to get away from the boy. The task would be much easier if the pale face wouldn't follow him backwards. (But he did.)

"You're up!" The blond cheered, beaming and revealing his with braces covered teeth.

The shout must have caught Liam's attention, because he ended his deep discussion with a couple of the other police officers in the room and turned around to scold Harry.

"I see you've finally stopped playing the victim to try to get away from your work?"

"Liam, I was unconscious!"

Liam just stared at him.

"They had drugged me!" Harry added.

But Liam had enough of his dramatic bullshit, rolling his eyes sassily. It was not a good look on him.

Harry was getting pissed off by his head ache and Liam's lack of moral support. But oh well, Harry just won't send him a friendship e-card again if Liam continued like this. 

So far them being friends five ever.

"And who are you?" Harry snapped at the blond boy.

"Yes, who are you?" Liam asked, suddenly noticing the lad.

The blond boy looked at them with wide puppy eyes? deer eyes? Maybe more bunny eyes. Did bunnies have eyes?

"I'm Niall!"

"You're not a police officer," Liam stated, eyeing Niall's clothes. Really, at times like this it was clear how Liam managed to become a detective.

"I'm here to clean!" He showed his braces enthousiastically, "I'm here on an internship to get a degree in it!"

And wow, Harry didn't even know you needed one for that. You learn something new every day.

Liam was going to comment on it, but one of the other, lower ranked, officers tapped on his shoulder.

"Officer Payne, we've found some interesting stuff for you to look at. Very suspicious."

In his hand he was holding a pincet that was holding a plastic bag that held an opened bag of m&m's inside.  

Suspicious indeed.

"Tomlinson left it behind. It seems like only the red ones are missing," the guy stated seriously, "It must have an important meaning."

"It's just a bag of m&m's," Harry mentioned.

No one listened to Harry.

"Yes," Liam spoke up, starting to brainstorm, "It could be a clue as to what his next crime will be."

"Maybe the red is a methaphor for warmth, so it should occur in a warm place. Gibraltar or something." The officer offered, his eyebrows locked together, appearing to be a dark-brown unibrow.

"And the two 'm's of the brand could refer to a crime starting with that letter." Liam finished. Both their eyes going wide in realization.

"It's just a bag of m&m's," Harry mentioned again.

Harry got ignored again.

"Map drawing? Mining? Milking?" The man with the unibrow brought up.

"Maybe monkey stealing? manhandling?" Liam continued. His lip getting numb from biting it too hard. You could only guess how hard he was thinking.

"Miss Universe abduction? Moral support group drowning?"

"Murder!" Niall suddenly screamed,although he was standing right next to them. He made creepy hand gestures and uttered a 'woooh' noise, trying to sound like a ghost. His intervention did not get appreciated.

Liam gave him another one of his sassy eye rolls. You could only imagine what the stress of this case was doing to his personality.

"I thought you were here to clean," Liam said, monotoneous voice.

"I am!" Did Niall really had to shout everything he wanted to say? "See, I'm cleaning! I'm brushing!"

He was not holding a brush. In fact, he was just moving his hands up and down, pretending to clean with an imaginary brush. Liam didn't notice though. So far his detective skills.

"Then continue cleaning and let the thinking over to the professionals," he turnesd his attention back to Unibrow, "So? Mouse feeding? Making of illegal chairs, maybe?"

The police officer nodded solemnly, "It could be anything. I promise that we'll get to the bottom of this. I'll start up an investigation group."

He left. Liam sighed, stress and worries getting to him.

"So, Harry, as Tomlinson has escaped, there's not really work left for you to do, cause it all of it revolved around him. You can go home, continue being lazy or whatever," he fluttered with his hand.

"I was drugged!" Harry reminded him.

The other man didn't listen, just started to walk away.

"Wait!" Harry called out, "Have they found something else too? A lighter maybe?"

Liam shook his head, "No, as far as I know only that suspicious bag of anything-but-red m&m's, as if that isn't suspicious enough already."

God-fucking-damnit. That blue-eyed, chestnut-coulored-fringed-haired son of a bitch had stolen his one-of-a-kind, purple and green polka-dotted lighter. It had taken him years to find one like that and Louis had just taken it away. That lad was just shameless.

Harry huffed, his mouth forming an adorable pout and steam coming out of his ears.

"What are you still doing here?" He snapped at Niall, before storming off. He resembled an angry kitten, so he didn't seem as intimidated and scary as he had wanted to.

Really, what was Niall doing there? What was his purpose? Why did he live?

Only God knew the answers to that.

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