A Breakable Soul (2)

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A Breakable Soul

Chapter Two


I woke groggily, feeling shaky and unstable, shivering, freezing cold, wondering where was i. I was lying on a large bed, with soft black silk sheets that brushed my skin gently whenever i fidgeted. The pillows were luxurious and comfy, for a moment i almost felt like falling back into my deep slumber, then my brain seemed to click and i realised that this was wrong - all of it was wrong! I remembered what had happened... a... a vampire had bitten me... and someone, somthing had saved me. And that was all i could remember, the rest came up a blank. I sat up swiftly, panic flooding me, i looked around me. The room's walls were black and white, simple yet efficient. There was a bookcase in the corner, filled with books. Beside that was a white door. There was a window and a bed side cabinet beside the bed with a lamp and an alarm clock on it. There was a long black couch on the side of the room and that was it. I swung my legs around and stood... and

was instantly over come with dizziness and light headedness, that i sat right back down with a groan. Suddenly the door opened and i stared in shock at the boy that stood in front of me. He was a vampire. I knew it straight away, he was tall and lean and wiry, just like the other vampire. He had the same white skin and predator look in his eyes, his eyes were dark intense blue, and his hair was shiny blonde, almost white. I was overcome with horror and fear instantly, i made a low noise of alarm when he took a step towards me and began crawling backwards. He looked surprised... and almost hurt. He carried on walking towards me, nevertheless. He stopped when his legs touched the bed, and i stopped as well, teetering on the edge of the bed. He held his hands out to me, a friendly gesture.

"I won't hurt you, I'm the one who saved you, remember?" he said, his voice was soft, gentle, a caress.

I swallowed hard and shivered from the cold. His eyes were concerned and i suddenly felt a flicker of warmth wrap around me. I closed my eyes briefly, enjoying it. When i opened them he took my hands gently, his hands were warm and large and he helped me stand and even though i was wobbling i managed to get off the bed. I stood for a second, trying to stand on my own, when he pulled me towards him suddenly. I swallowed loudly, ready to protest, but his body was warm and his right hand left mine and for a second i missed the contact, but then his arm slid around my waist and pulled me close. I liked it like this much better. I felt safe and cared for, somthing I'd never felt before. My face was pressed into his neck, the curve where his neck joined his shoulder, my lips brushed his skin gently and i let them linger there unintentionally, i shivered.


I felt her lips brush my neck softly and i also felt her shiver - i had to suppress one myself. The feel of her warm, pliant body pressed to mine made me hold her tight. I knew it was inappropriate, i knew but i didn't care, all i could smell was vanilla, a strong smell, it was her hair that smelled of vanilla and her blood smelled of warm honey, delicious. I let warmth and comfort envelop her, hoping to make her feel better. She shook her head suddenly after several minutes and pulled back. I had been right about her eyes, they were not black, but a very intense dark brown. Her eyes were wide as she stared at me, fear and worry deep inside of them. I could see her pulse beating wildly in her throat and it seemed to tantalize me as i stared at it, she noticed and she faltered back a step. I caught her hand again and brought it to my lips. I saw a fire spread across her cheeks as i kissed her hand softly, before turning it over and flicking my

tongue across her wrist, it was a greeting, In that one small flick i could taste her, smell her and feel her pulse beating fast and wild. When i released it her breathing was a little too fast and she looked flustered.

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