The man on the train

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My head rested on my hand as I looked out the murky train window searching for any sign of civilisation. I had just finished uni and was on my way to my grandma's house in the middle of nowhere, I mean sure, she lived in the middle of a town but the town was so small it was more like a village.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8! Mum, there are eight sheep in that paddock!" A little blonde girl said to her mum pointing out the window. "That's great sweetie, sit back down now." The mother replied with a big grin plastered on her face as she looked lovingly at the blue-eyed toddler in front of her. The toddler smiled brightly showing off her two missing front teeth. "Okay~" She replied happily sitting down on her seat.

There were only four passengers in the train carriage at the time: me, the cute toddler and her youthful brunet mother, and an old man. The old man was reading a newspaper with a fancy wooden cane resting against the seat he was sitting at. He was wearing a brown old-fashioned tuxedo and a flat cap.

I turned to look out the window again when the train slowed down and for the first time in ages I saw the first sign of civilisation, a single train station. No houses around or anything like that. No, just a single train station in the middle of nowhere.

The train's doors slid open to have a shady looking man carrying a briefcase and wearing a fedora, black trench coat, and sunnies come in.

The man stood up even though the train was practically empty and there were plenty of seats to sit down in.

I looked at him out of the corner of my eye to see him staring at the mother and daughter who were obviously uncomfortable under his intense stare.

After a while of silence the man finally decided to walk up to the mother and daughter. "U-um may we help you?" The mother asked as the daughter tightly gripped onto her brown leather jacket.

The man just stood there for a while staring at her until the mother tries to get up to move seats. By this time my full attention was on the situation at hand and whether or not I should say something to the man and help the family or just stay out of their business.

As the mum tried to get past, the man pulled out a machete-like knife and trusted it into her stomach. Before I could register what was unfolding before my eyes I heard the little girl start to scream and cry out. "MUMMY!!!!" She yelled as the man pulled the knife out allowing blood to spurt freely onto the little girls face.

The mum fell on top of the girl. She coughed blood up onto the floor which caused the girl to start crying even harder and scream until her voice was starting to crack. Her screams were terror inducing and caused the old man to cry out in fear.

The trench-coat man froze and slowly faced the old man who, at this point, was frozen solid in fear. The man started to walk up to him and the old man started to wheeze. He clutched at his heart and fell onto the ground knocking down his walking stick as he did so.

"Arrgggg!" The old man yelled as his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he started to vigorously shake.

The trench-coat man walked up to the old man's shaking body and crouched down slowly twirling his knife around his finger as he observed the old man.

After a while, trench-coat man dug his knife into the old man's eye, causing a little bit of blood to spray on his trench-coat.

My eyes widened and I covered my mouth so I wouldn't scream or vomit at the site before me.

The old man made an inhuman noise and trench-coat man pulled the knife out, prying the old mans eye out as he did so, causing the optic nerve to tear as if it was a strip of raspberry lickerish.

I hid underneath the train seat so I could still see what was going on but was out of trench-coat man's view. The site was so disgusting, but yet I couldn't look away. I felt like it was all just a dream. 'It can't be real,' I thought. 'This is just some sick dream...or a prank. Yeah a prank. This is all, just a prank.' I had thought, although I knew it was all too real. No one could fake noises that horrifyingly real.

The old man stopped shaking and trench-coat man got up. He looked around the carriage, his cloths now covered in blood.

The little girl was still clinging to her mother murmuring "Mummy, wake up. I love you mummy." And other things along those lines.

Trench-coat man walked towards her and she started to scream. I held my hands against my ears in an attempt to block out the child's screams.

Trench-coat man grabbed the little girls skinny arm before she could escape and crouched down to her eye level.

She looked at him and then she stopped screaming. Her eyes went wide as if she had seen the devil himself and then she fell.

Her head banged against the floor hard enough for me to be able to hear the sound of bones cracking. A pool of blood started to form around her pale, still head.

She looked at me with her lifeless, blue eyes. Terrified. And so was I. The only people left on that carriage at that time was him and me.

Still in a crouching position, the man followed the little girls eyes and our eyes met. His murderous miss-matched emerald eyes met my brown ones as he tilted his head. His eyes watched my every move like a cat watching a mouse. His large combat boots clopping against the blood-stained floor as he walked painfully slow towards me.

'This is it' I had thought. 'This is the end.' His boots were right In front of my face and I felt something sharp jab at my shoulder.

I yelled out in pain and looked to were the intense sharp pain was coming from. The same knife that had murdered his three previous victims was jammed in my glenohumeral joint, rendering my left arm useless.

The train started to slow down and I heard a whistle blow. We were coming towards a train station, thank god.

The man took the knife out of my shoulder and jumped out the window above the dead mother and daughter, breaking the glass as he did so.

I started to cry in relief and I saw policemen and paramedics bust through the train doors, armed and ready to attack.

They heard my crying and ran over to me, lifting me onto a stretcher causing my arm to explode into immense pain.

I screamed out in pain again and the paramedics told me, "It's okay, this will take the edge off the pain." Whilst placing a nitrous oxide mask over my mouth and nose.

Once I was out of the train I saw people crowding around, everyone was looking at me. I could hear people murmur thing like, "Is he okay?" Or "How horrible, must have been scary."

Once in the ambulance, my vision began to blur and the doctors and nurses kept telling me, "Don't give in!" and "Stay awake!" They were asking me my name and trying to make me talk.

The pain and loss of blood began to take its full effect on me and I felt myself drift into darkness, the last thing I heard was the sound of my heart rate monitor go flat line.

The man on the trainWhere stories live. Discover now