The Sleepy Motel

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5 hours later, the sun is rising, illuminating the long stretch of road still ahead. 20 miles later, Stiles and Sam haven't had any luck in stumbling upon a gas station and any kind of pit stop. It makes them wonder where they actually are, even though it had been the early hours of the morning, trucks usually keep going and they would have had a fighting chance, but it seems they are so far off from civilization, no one bothers going down this road, this long, tiresome road.
For the most part, the journey had been quiet, running on no sleep did them no favors in their grand escape. At this rate, the goons that had captured them before could find them in no time.  The dirt alongside the road and turned into grass about an hour ago, giving them somewhat of a boost in hope that they'd soon find a sign of life. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case.
         Both of them were exhausted, they knew they couldn't stop at any point, it was too much of a risk. While Sam was lucky enough to have been captured fully clothed, Stiles was in his sleepwear and nothing on his feet. Even though Stiles couldn't bare more hours of stress on his bare feet, he couldn't bring himself to complain, he was accustomed to not complaining in the worst of times, it just wouldn't do them any good. 
         Eventually, about an hour or so later, they came across a crossroad. Two different directions, who knows which one led to salvation and which one led to further exhaustion.
         They stopped walking, just for a second. They individually thought carefully about their next move. Stiles reasoned in his mind that the road to the right might lead to a small town at the very least considering the tire tracks left behind that turn in their direction, it could be where the kidnappers went to get supplies. Sam wasn't sure what to think, all he'd been thinking about throughout the journey was how Dean was trying to find him or if he was trying to find him at all, anything could have happened to Dean during his absence. Stiles decided to take the initiative, he didn't particularly care if Sam followed his lead, he needed to get back to his dad, whom had most likely downed an entire bottle by now.
         To their relief, they eventually spotted a motel, a small motel in the middle of nowhere, most likely a half-way point in between destinations. The Sleepy Motel was possibly the best sight they've seen in a while, they didn't exactly have the money to pay for a motel room but they didn't care, this was the salvation they needed.
         Stiles ran a little ahead, he couldn't wait to get to a phone and call his dad, to get some sleep, possibly get shoes, his feet were killing him. Sam hurriedly followed behind of course, anxious for what the shabby motel could offer as well.
         Stiles reached the main office of the motel and ran up to the stranger behind the desk, almost tripping in the process. The aged stranger looked at Stiles warily, the anxious vibe, the manic look his eyes, Stiles looked like an escapee from a mental hospital.  Then came in Sam, looking just as suspicious, the man at the desk was ready to pull out the handgun in his desk drawer.
         "Please, you have to help us, we were kidnapped and we've been running away all night!" Stiles exclaimed, playing up the distress by tearing up. Stiles saw all the available rooms, as indicated by the keys hung on the wall on his left with their corresponding room number tagged on them, there was no way this man could not help them.
         "Sorry kid, that's a nice story, but do you know how many sob stories I get from hitchhikers and homeless people wanting a free night here? Too many, now leave before I make you", the man gestured towards the exit, not wanting to have to handle the kid and his friend the hard way. 
         Sam stepped up and tried to make the man understand, "No, it's all true, we just need a few hours and we'll be out of your hair, please!"
         Sadly, it wasn't enough for the man to help them, "I told you to leave nicely, now get to it!" He shouted as he took the handgun out of the drawer and slammed it down on the desk top.
         Sam raised his hands and slightly backed away, "There's no need for that, we'll go, alright? We don't want any trouble."
         Stiles, on the other hand, stood still, he looked down and looked back up at the man with a sorrowful look, "If you can't give us a room, can I at least have a drink of water? Then I promise we'll leave you alone." The man looked towards the water dispenser beside his desk and Sam and complied, he slowly walked to it, gun in hand, and grabbed a cup to fill. Sam continued to watch the man's gun, careful to not make sudden movements, but Stiles inched towards his left, grabbing one of the copies of the room keys  on the wall and stepped back in place, no one being the wiser as to his actions.
         The man handed Stiles the water slowly, "Now go." Stiles grabbed the cup with his right hand, the other concealing the keys within his fist and gave a firm nod of false appreciation. Both Sam and Stiles quietly left the main office, and walked up to the far side of the motel, out of the man's view. Once out of sight, Stiles stopped Sam in his tracks and held up the keys with a small smirk.
         "It's time for us to rest, don't you think?" Stiles asked as he made his way towards room 8, the room it read on the keys' tag,  not waiting for Sam to respond. Sam was again in awe at the kid's skills and at his newly discovered mischievous side, he thought to the way he played the man at the desk and couldn't help but wonder if he had deceived him in anyway or if he had any more skills he should be aware of. Sam quickly dismissed the thoughts, they had barely spoken the entire way here and weren't imprisoned together for that long, no way the kid could have or had any reason to lie to him and he probably stole the keys out of impulse and desperation. Either way, Sam was grateful for the kid's quick thinking, he could finally contact Dean and take a shower, he couldn't care less that the keys were stolen.

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