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         "Nice to meet you Dean, nice car by the way", Stiles responded, he couldn't exactly deny looking like shit, after everything he's been through over the years,  he starting to believe it's just his natural state of being now. Stiles gave Dean a small smile, not yet knowing what to think of Dean.
         Dean finally returned the smile,
         "At least he has some taste", then turned back around in his seat, ready to get them back on the road. Sam settled in his seat, finally able to relax in the familiar atmosphere, the Impala, his brother, and the road. Later, Sam and Dean would want to come back to Utah to get that witch, but for now, number one priority was getting the kid home.
         As the Impala rolled back onto pavement, Stiles thought back to what Sam said about this so called "family business" of pest control and decided to finally conduct his subtle interrogation, he wanted to know a little more.
"So where's your gear?" Stiles asked first, surely actual pest control specialists would have a truck for all their equipment, not a nice car.
Sam stiffened again, relaxation gone, he figured the kid would ask questions, but more about their kidnapping then what he and his brother do, to the kidnapping, Sam couldn't be faulted for not knowing everything, his job? He needed to provide plausible answers, he didn't want anyone, especially a teen, getting involved in what he and his brother do, even knowing about it always comes back to haunt you.
Dean's face remained neutral despite his confusion, there was a number of things Stiles could be referring to and it depends on what Sam told him, he took a quick look at Sam, looking for some kind of direction.
"What do you mean?" Sam finally asked in return, his tone mostly stayed casual, but Stiles could detect the subtle caution in his voice, thinking through everything he says to Stiles.
"Your gear, for your pest control business, pest specialists usually have vans don't they?" Stiles further asked, simulating confusion, Stiles was very curious as to how Sam or Dean will explain this.
Dean took the hint as to what lie Stiles was told and decided to wing it, hoping Sam didn't go into any detail,
"Usually, but not now,  the equipment is in the trunk, we only did a small job before we took our vacation to Vegas", Dean was proud of how quick the lie came but also hoping no more questions would arise from it.
         Stiles nodded, allowing the brothers to feel at ease for a moment. It was a good lie, made sense to anyone that was not as intuitive as Stiles. Stiles was not convinced, they did seem blue collar, but traveling pest control was too weird to swallow. Also, every clue he had on them was derived from whatever Sam has told him since he got kidnapped to now. Stiles recalled Sam mentioning, when he tried to comfort Stiles early in their imprisonment, that the kidnapping was possibly a trap, insinuating that Sam and himself were bait for people the kidnappers actually wanted to capture. Stiles knew what powerful beings were in his life that could attract kidnappers, but he didn't know Sam's, most likely, it was Dean. Now the question remains, why Dean? Sam was going to give him answers whether he knows it or not.
"Sam, you said that the kidnappers wanted to use us to trap people in our lives, what did you mean?" Stiles looked at Sam with a worried stare, conveying the innocence and fear that Stiles no longer believed he truly had, at least not anymore.
Sam caught the side glance from Dean as soon as the question came out, but it was thankfully short lived because his eyes were to be kept on the road. Sam remembered what Stiles was referring to and it was a matter he wanted to bring up too, he just wasn't sure how. This kid has someone or something in his corner that the witch wanted for herself, Sam just didn't know if the kid even knew who or what it is. The last thing Sam wanted to do was to be the person to bring this dark world in Stiles' life so he planned to be subtle about it later, after he could discuss the kid's involvement with Dean later, alone. Clearly, he wasn't so fortunate and had to give Stiles some answers now. He looked back at Stiles and tried to explain,
"Well, the people who kidnapped us didn't hurt us because they were waiting for the people who they thought would come looking for us"
"Like to ask for ransom money?"
"Yeah, sort of, do you know someone that would come looking for you?"
"I guess my dad, but he doesn't have money and he's the sheriff so police would definitely be involved, that doesn't make sense"
"No, it doesn't, what about any powerful friends?"
         "The richest guy I know is in London and hates my guts"
         "That's odd, maybe we'll figure it out later, we'll stop for food soon, I know you must be as hungry as I am"
         "Yeah, thanks", Stiles was grateful for the food, but knew that Sam wanted to put this conversation on hold. First, Stiles observed that Dean stayed quiet and let Sam handle Stiles, probably following Sam's lead on how to handle him since he's been with him longer and through the whole kidnapping ordeal. Second, Stiles knew that the people these "kidnappers" wanted were the supernatural beings in his life, couldn't be about money seeing as his dad was severely lacking in it, no, these "kidnappers" wanted something from Scott's pack and somehow found out that Stiles had a connection. Either the "kidnappers" are hunters that  want the werewolves to come to them or another supernatural being like a druid or witch that wanted to syphon power from Scott.
         Sam, on the other hand, had more questions than answers. He hoped to get an idea of what the kid was involved with by asking what run of the mill kidnappers could want from him but it backfired seeing as it confused the kid more and would lead to more questions on why this happened to him. So far it seemed that Stiles had no clue of anyone or anything that anyone could want, much less anything related to  the Winchester horror show. The last resort was letting Stiles know, just a little bit, about said show, enough to know the witch's plans, stop her, and kill her. Sam had a feeling though, whatever plans those were, it was more than the typical revenge spell.

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