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It felt good. For Stiles to literally and metaphorically leave the witch and her whole deal behind them, it was refreshing. In Beacon Hills, horror happened in their own backyard and afterward they'd have to live their lives on the same ground they fought on. It's easier to forget this way. Stiles overall felt better, while this whole situation was taking its toll, it was also refreshing. He got away from his daily routine and, deep down, felt that excitement he once felt when going after a new threat with his best friend in Beacon Hills, the research, the teamwork, etc. Sure, it was a different dynamic than what he's used to, but it wasn't bad. Some part of Stiles thought he was crazy for actually enjoying what he and his friends used to do, but the other part just figured there are crazier things in the world than him enjoying saving his town.
         Dean knew what hunting did to a kid, what it did to him and then to Sam, it made you stop being a kid all together. Having the responsibility to save lives before you can drive is not normal but it was the Winchester's reality. Knowing what he now knows about Stiles, he can't believe he didn't see it before, he looked just like Sam when hunting first started taking a toll on him. The weight on their shoulders was visible through the way they carried themselves. The only thing that didn't match was that it took Sam a while after taking up hunting in his teens to pile on that weight but, as far as they knew, Stiles only had one encounter with this world. That little fact was eating at him, maybe it was the guilt of what he might've done during his possession? God knows Dean knew about what guilt can do to a person. Dean didn't have a hunter's instinct for nothing, he'd have to clue Sam in on his suspicions later.
         The only reasons Stiles had any desire to go back to Beacon Hills was for his dad and because he was afraid the hunters in front of him would find out more, specifically about the pack in Beacon Hills. Stiles had an idea of what they could know about werewolves because of all the lore he'd seen himself when Scott first turned but Stiles doubted they went solely off of that information, especially because they've probably encountered more than their fair share of supernatural creatures, it's impossible to only go off what the internet says and survive. Other than those reasons, Stiles had no real concern about what would happen when he returned, the pack probably wouldn't get close enough or care enough to catch any scent of his crazy experience. And while there was still love between him and his dad, their lives have been more separate than when Stiles was hiding the supernatural world from him. Back then, his dad would keep an extra close eye on Stiles' actions to see what he could find about the secrets he's been keeping, but this time there aren't any big secrets to chase. As for school, it's been the only thing Stiles had to do during his time of solitude so he was fairly ahead in assignments that weren't due until after the coming break. In hindsight, that probably wasn't the best idea because now he would have to endure the most empty break from school he's ever experienced.
         After a long time staring out the window of the impala, Stiles finally focused on the scenery they were driving by and realized the sun was just starting to rise. With all the focus on the witch, actually dealing with her, and everything after, Stiles completely forgot that he promised his Dad that he'd be home today with an explanation. Stiles wasn't even sure what he could say, he wasn't sure he could include anyone from the pack in his lie, his dad was sheriff for a reason after all, if he caught a whiff of dishonestly he would ask anyone else he involved from confirmation, which would lead to that anyone to ask why they have to lie at all. Anyone from the pack would be able to hear his heartbeat when he lied so that was almost a direct admission of guilt. Stiles guessed it wouldn't be the oddest thing in the world to say that he needed to escape for a while, it's not as if it wasn't true or obvious from his behavior lately. What he found more difficult to explain was not taking his Jeep... a part of the explanation he would have to wing when it came time to do so.
         The heavy guitar riffs were sounding throughout the impala when a thought occurred to Sam, while they were still in the area, he should see if there's a case around, they rarely spent time on the west coast. Of course it would have to wait until after they made sure Stiles got home alright but there shouldn't be an issue. One would usually assume that someone who went through what Sam and Stiles did would need rest but the fact that the witch no longer lived was enough for him to continue with his relatively normal routine. Life went on and there were other lives to be saved.
         "Stiles, can you pass me my laptop from my bag?" Sam asked. He'd left it in his duffle bag behind his seat like he usually did in case he had to do research on the road.
         "Sure" Stiles murmured, he unzipped the duffle and pulled out the computer that sat on top of Sam's clothes and handed it to Sam.
         Dean glanced at the exchange and raised an eyebrow at his younger brother,
         "Have a lot of emails to return Sammy?"
         Sam rolled his eyes, "I'm checking to see if there's anything interesting in the area."
         At his response Dean smirked, "I thought you hating playing tourist".
         "I do, I'm seeing if there's a case in California we can take on after taking Stiles home." Dean didn't argue but Stiles' interest was peaked. He knew that hunters do the only thing they know how, hunt, but to look for "interesting" things in California was a red flag for Stiles. Even though California is a big state, it sounds like they will be looking for something close by where they leave Stiles, while they aren't going to Beacon Hills directly, it's still awfully close, too close for comfort. Stiles understood close to nothing about hunter interactions, the Argents claimed Beacon Hills as their hunting territory, there wasn't an Argent physically there to stop anyone from doing whatever they want, not since Chris left for France. The Argents had a code but do they have honor among other hunters? Were there boundaries they respected or was it a free for all so long was their target isn't human?
          It frustrated Stiles to no end that he couldn't get the answers to his questions, at least not without raising some suspicion, he claimed the nogitsune was his only encounter with the supernatural afterall. If Stiles started asking about hunter claiming a territory or anything he learned from the Argents than they would almost certainly know that Stiles knew more than he was letting on. He'd have to find a way keep them off Beacon Hills' destructive trail one way or another.

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