chapter 2

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chapter 2

"Make sure you study "History of Magic" for an hour today Temple" ordered Roisin as she finished the breakfast dishes. It was a beautiful warm day, and Roisin didn't want her daughter distracted, it was important for her to complete her senior year of magical studies. Temple's hair lay like silk down the middle of her back, an elegant crystal pin held the sparkling strands out of her face as she bent over her books at the kitchen table. She surprised her Mother by saying, "I wonder what I would have done, if you weren't a high educator Mom?" Temple spoke without taking her eyes from her reading which gave a false impression that she had actually said nothing. Roisin looked up with a frown on her face, "now don't start with that again Temple. You know it doesn't do any good to worry about such things. Everything will turn out, wait and see, I promise". Roisin worked hard at hiding her look of concern from her daughter and Temple gave no indication that she heard anything as she worked hard at trying to hide her worried as well. Keeping her daughter at home worked well for all of them and keeping her out of the public view kept them all out of danger but the major draw back was their only daughter felt terribly alone. The time was quickly coming when this would not be enough.

Temple adored her protective big brothers, who had the job of staying by her side every time she ventured out. After so many years the three young O'Marrons had their routine for outings down pat. If magic was needed then Coner and Bran were there to come to her rescue. The negative people assumed that Temple was just an over pampered child who could not look after her self, even though they had never seen her behave badly. In fact, the family was well known not just for their politness but their quickness to help anyone in need but that was never enough for some as they continued to criticize them.

Coner's magic was very strong, especially when it came to animals. He had the ablility to talk to and understand them, which was considered unusual and rare. Whenever Coner went out for a walk animals of all kinds would follow him and do anything he asked. This talent came in handy if he needed to distract people from Temple.

The youngest son Bran, had the magical ability to "push" people around him, change their moods, their thought process and desires but he was not able to force someone to do somethng that was against their nature. Many groups both good and bad were constantly trying to get Bran to join their ranks. The two boys could choose any university they wanted, but their protectiveness towards Temple was strong, so they elected to stay close by.

"Oh Mom, isn't it the most perfect day on the planet?" she giggled. It was Temple's seventeenth birthday and in celebration, her brothers were going to accompany her to the local mall. "Do you think I should buy something for the boys, you know, for taking me with them? I mean, what will I be able to do there? Do you think there will be lots of other kids my age? I mean, I know I can't hang around with them or anything, but maybe I can just say hello. What do you think? Mom? Mooom! What do you think?" asked Temple excitedly.

Roisin was smiling, as she brushed Temple's pale hair. "Temple, you know how much I want you to be able to go out, have fun, and do all of the things a wonderfull girl like you, should be doing. But you also know that it's just not possible. Right? " said Roisin gently. Temple said nothing, but sat on the chair with a stiff back.

Her Mother brushed the long hair until it shone, then silently cast a spell. Small, coloured jewels wove themselves thorough out the long strands. When her hair was done, Temple grabbed a pair of blue contacts and expertly, inserted them onto her eyes. Then the proud mother, presented the birthday girl with a long, elegant dress. Roisin had it made from butterfly silk, which was the same rich black, as Temple's large eyes. On her feet, she wore a pair of slippers, that changed colour every time she took a step. Roisin had her daughter stand up and turn around. "There is just one more thing you need, dear" and Roisin presented Temple with her gift.

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