chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Temple spent an uneasy night.

It wasn't until the next night, when the family was having dinner, the three children described what had happened and Temple could see how truly worried they were, even though they insisted that everything was fine. "STOP IT!"  Temple cried "Enough with this "everything is just fine" nonsense!  Why can't you just say how things really are because we are all gonna have to deal with this, PLEASE!!"  Everyone sat at the table with their mouths literally open and staring at her.

Once the house was quiet and everyone had retired, Roisin and Darragh talked about their concerns. This is exactly what they have feared for the past 17 years, but they also knew, they were not helpless. On the day of Temple's birth, the two parents had started working on ways to protect their precious daughter. They finally had a plan.

During the past year, they had perfected several different charms that would help Temple, to "look" like she had magic. This had never been done before, but there has not been anyone like Temple befor either.  The last family to have a baby with black eyes was eliminated 2 days after her birth but no one had survived as long as Temple has in a hundred or more years.

The next morning was splendid, the sun was high with just a smattering of light fluffy clouds. Birds were busy singing and feeding their young, everything felt perfect. This type of day always lightened Temple's mood, as she readied herself for the day. Darragh asked all of his children to come and sit at the table, it was time for a talk about the situation with Temple. "I think we had a close call yesterday," stated Roisin "and you know what that could mean for all of us. Your Dad has come up with something we think will make life easier for everyone,"  she said. Darragh placed Temple's inherited necklace on the table, "I have fixed a spell to your necklace Temple. It will give you a protective shield so that you can ward off something as simple as a raze, or as complicated as an attack."

The three siblings jumped up, "but how is that possible Dad?" asked Bran incredulously "no one has ever been able to make a spell permanently stick to an inanimate object." "Oh sit down you three and settle down.  We will tell you what we have done and hopefully we will all be able to continue on living a normal life." father replied.

"Well," started father as he reached over and took ahold of his wife's small hand, "your Mother and I have been working on this for years and have only now been successful" replied their confident father. Roisin pushed the necklace toward her young daughter and instructed her to put it on. As it slipped over her head, Temple could feel a strange warmth emanate from the ancient piece. Her father looked directly at her and spoke clearly "Temple", he waited for emphasis, "put your hand on the pendant and say "Dagda Brott".  She did as she was told, "Dagda Brott" she murmured, but nothing spectacular happened. They looked at each other curiously. "Coner, throw a raze spell at Temple" Roisin instructed. The elder son turned to look at Temple, then raised his fingers slightly. He simply thought the spell then directed it towards his sister. Nothing happened. Both parents looked at each other and smiled "Now Bran, we want you to throw an attack spell at her"

"Are you crazy?!"  Bran exclaimed "I could kill Temple!"  Roisin admired both of her sons love for their sister, but she knew exactly what she was doing. The determined Mother simply nodded at Bran to continue. The young man turned and looked questioningly at Temple, "it's okay Bran"; she said "Mom and Dad know what they're doing besides, if you kill me I will just have to come back and haunt you forever!" she laughed shakily.  The uncertain girl sat up straight in her chair, clasped her hands together and placed them down on the dining room table, then she closed her eyes and waited.

Sweat was running down Bran's face as he slowly raised his shaking arm. With a closed fist, he quickly threw a punch into the air towards his sister.  A bright flash of light, with a lingering smell of something rotten, surrounded the waiting girl, but Temple simply smiled.

The boys chairs flew backward, as they stood up and screamed, "you did it! You actually did it!" They hugged each other and bellowed, "Dad! How in the world did you get it to work?"

The couple laughed "It is such a long process, and I don't think we need to go into it now, but putting it as simply as possible, we were able to tap into the ancient magic. Remember, people did not always have the kind of magic we have now. They had to call on the Gods of old, and that is what we did. Dagda is the God of protection but keeping his magic in the necklace is the hard part." smiled Roisin.

"Temple can leave the house if she wishes, but"; emphasized Darragh, "you must stay close to home, and you MUST remember to hold your pendant, and say the chant, prior to leaving the house. This is very important Temple, because it will not work if you forget. Do you understand?"

"Oh Mom and Dad! Thank you, thank you! I never imagined anything as great as this!" laughed Temple "I will remember, I promise!" Saying that she pushed herself away from the table and ran for the front door. "I'm going for a walk, everyone!" she waived "I'll be back in an hour" and the door slammed shut behind her. Temple's parents and brothers all looked at each other and gave a cautious smile.

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