chapter 3

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Chapter 3

The first girl was examining Temple in a purely nasty manner. "Well?" she sneered. Temple finally got her wits back then answered with the first thing she could come up with, "I can't believe I didn't see that coming! I was just sitting here, feeling so sorry for myself" she complained, "I caught my boyfriend cheating on me!"  She hung her head low then covered her face with her hands to feign sadness.  Temple listened but heard nothing from these nasty people, so, she continued. She raised her tearful eyes at an appropriate time, to see the three girls looking at each other. It was not clear if they believed her so Temple added, "I mean, I caught him with my best friend, so I was trying to think of a really nasty hex I could put on both of them", she made her voice stammer.

Two of the girls had huge, wicked smiles on their faces as they nodded in agreement with the poor girl, but the "leader of the pack"  was not so easily fooled. "I haven't seen you here before, who are you?" she sneered. Temple opened her mouth to respond but could think of nothing to say. The silence that fell between them was becoming uncomfortable when Coner and Bran came rushing out of the store.

"What is going on here Sioban?"  Coner asked. The leader turned and smiled at him  "Well hello Coner, what are you doing here?" she cooed. "This is my sister Temple. Is there a problem Sioban?"  Coner focused on the troublesome girl with his most stern stare. "Your sister? I didn't know you had a sister."  Sioban stated, "where have you been hiding her and how come no one has ever seen her around Coner? Is there something wrong with her? then she gave a deliberate, slow chuckle that had no friendliness in it.

Bran stepped between the two of them and interjected, "Sioban how good it is to see you again! Man, you three gorgeous ladies look amazing  today! I'm going to be so jealous, when some love stricken fellows follow you home, cause I was just thinking it should be me."  then Bran gave his famous enchanting smile. All three were blushing and giggling, when Bran grabbed Temple's arm and led her away. "That was quick thinking Bran, wasn't it Temple?" This was Coner's way to deflect the overwhelming fear they all felt as well as have Temple believe it was not a serious situation.  Temple knew what Coner was trying to do and she did not want him to feel badly for something she should have been able to handle so she agreed.  Coner pulled his distraught sister into their favourite restaurant just four stores down from the magic shop.

Temple was clearly shaken and barely spoke while she played with her napkin. She was not suppose to interact with the outside world for the very reason that she found herself in. Sioban was clearly not convinced with the story she gave and this put her whole family in danger. Coner and Bran could see that Temple was worried and all of their attempts at helping her feel better, were not working. The boys finished their lunch, then decided it was time to go home. While they were walking out of the mall, Temple swore she could see Sioban, following quietly behind them.

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