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This chapter is dedicated to EmpressOfHearts1

And……………he hugged me? and spoke
"Look kid we're all scared here, there's a war that's happening right now so we need fight our fears in order to stay alive, I lost both of my parents to this war and I'm not going to let that weigh me down so toughen up kid or else your not going to survive damn it!"
I just stood there in shock of what he said to me, then I felt something making my clothes wet. I looked down and saw Blazer……………crying? I patted his head and smiled.
"Hey kid?"
"I never actually I asked for your name haven't I? so can you tell me your name?"
I looked at him and gave him a big toothy grin.
"My name's Flaryn Ashtonette Falcon, but you can call me Flare if you like." I smiled even wider and giggled. He gave me a quite chuckle.
"That's pretty long for a kid to memorize."
"I'M NOT THAT STUPID!" I averted his gaze and pouted. He gave me another light chuckle and spoke.
"Of course you're not I can tell that you're a very bright girl with a very wide vocabulary."
He then gave me a small smile.

-_-Blazer's POV-_-

'Damn this kid's adorable, I just want to pinch her chubby cheeks- wait did I just call a kid adorable? Well that's a first'
"Umm Blazer? you can let me go now."She gave me a small smile.
"Oh right, sorry my apologies"
She gave me another cute smile. 'I swear this girl's a witch trying to cast a spell on me.' I thought as we continued walking again.
"Are you okay? you're turning red."
'wait WHAT???' I mentally screamed and touched my face I was burning up.'I swear this kid just put a spell on me'.
"I'm fine, this is just a normal thing."
"Oh ok, if you say so."
'Damn it, this kid is very observant. I guess I'll have to be observant myself if I want to know more about her.'
"Hey Blazer?"
"Why can't I come to your house and live with you?"
"Like I said before kid. You're too soft you'll never survive if you would live with me at my place."
"But isn't the risk of me getting killed even more higher if you would leave me here? Alone?"
I stopped in my tracks and thought to myself. 'She's right. But I  can't do anything only the boss can make that decision if she can stay with us or not. Although she might die out here she's still young and she doesn't know how to fight.'I put my hand under my chin and start thinking again.'I could train her. But that wont be any good……'


I cut her off and grab her arm and start running.' I don't know where I'm going but anywhere is better than here.'
"Whe-where are we going?"
I stayed silent,still running in different directions.

~Time skip brought to you by Death the Kid's cleaning disorder~(Yay for Soul Eater!:3)

We stopped in front of an old brick house. I knock at the door and it crept open, I then saw one of my friends.

"Blazer! Come in!"

We went inside and sat down on the sofa.

^ w ^ Flare's POV ^ w ^

'Well this place is weird' I thought.

"So Blazer what are you doing here?" The man with dark blue raven-like hair and red eyes said.'He looks like he's around Blazer's age.'

"I was just running away from the large explosions."

"Oh………And who's this?." He pointed at me and looked at me.

"This is Flar- I mean Mary."'Mary?! That's not my name!'I sigh and shake it off.

"Well nice to meet you Mary." He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Hey Blazer? Shouldn't we be running?"

"Don't worry about that Greyson's house is surrounded by a protective shield it wont get destroyed no matter how much you try."


"Yes you see Greyson here is a raven and wizard."


"Yes I know I'm amazing but I'm not as amazing as Blazer here. You see he's an assassin but he only kills for justice, but he's still considered as a criminal even though he only has good intentions for the world."

"I'm not here to stay and chit-chat you know. I'm only here to ask you a favor."He said sternly

"And what pray tel may that favor be?" Blazer then looks at me.

"Can you take care of the kid for me until I come back?"

"Wait....You're leaving me?"

"Only for a few days............Maybe...."

"But but I don't want you to leave..."

"I'm sorry but I have to."I cried. 'This isn't fair.... I finally found a friend and now I'm gonna lose him...'

"Hey cheer up now kid come on I'll show you to your room." Greyson smiled at me and I smiled back while wiping my tears away.

He held my hand as we went up some stairs and stop in front of an orange and red door. 'Yay my two of my favorite colors....'

"You ok there kid? You seem.........unhappy......disgusted even."

"Wha-what?! N-no that's no it it's it's just that....." I looked down at my feet.

"It's just what Mary?"

I shook my head."Nothing never mind." I gave him a forced smile and he bought it and smiled back while patting my head with his hand.

"You'll love it here dear. I swear you will." Greyson gives me a closed eye smile and pats my head. I blush because of his kindness.

"I'm sure I will" I smile back at him and enter my new room. 'It's kind of small in here.' I sigh. 'But I don't care at least I have somewhere to stay and be safe. I just hope Blazer will...' I give out a loud sigh and collapse on my bed drifting off to sleep wondering what tomorrow will bring.

So yeah I suck at writing only because I had a writers block and because it's hard to get inspiration for me since I have graduated from elementary *sighs* I miss them all.......but anyways hoped you liked it and I will meet you guys again Sayonara gems~~ (‚^ w ^‚)/ ♥♥♥♥ Love ya'll~

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