Chapter 29 "Argh!"

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Alex's P.O.V


~3 Months later~


“It looks amazing!” I shrieked when I walked into my soon-to-be baby’s room.

“Yeah, it does. It’s perfect,” Sam said from beside me as he subconsciously put one of his hands on my gigantic stomach.

“Well I’m glad you both liked it. It took me a while to find the perfect crib but I think you’ll like this idea,” Nadia, the designer, said.

“What idea?” I questioned with a hint of excitement.

“Well, the crib is a bit longer than usual for a reason. When Aveena grows out of her crib, you can re-set it up and make it into a child's bed. It will last her until age 5 unless she grows more than usual.”

“That’s really cool. Thank you so much Nadia, you really helped us out a lot. Thank you for the little gift too,” Sam said while he pointed to the fluffy white stuffed bear that Nadia bought for Aveena. You can plug an iPod into it and everything.

“It was my pleasure. Plus I love doing my job. Good luck with the arrival of Aveena Alex and Sam. It could be any minute now.” Nadia then left the room smiling.

She’s right. I’m already nine months pregnant and could pop at any given moment. The car is already set up and my bag is ready. I packed everything that I could possibly need while at the hospital.

We inspected the room and everything was so wonderful. The room is painted a soft pink colour with some wall art and the AVEENA in white wood is nailed into the wall right above the crib. Just incase my instincts are wrong and it’s a boy we can easily change his name to Aven since we also like that name.

“I can’t believe we’re so close to having something that is part of us and made of our love,” Sam whispered into my ear and kissed my temple.

“I know, I’m really happy about this all happening,” I said back.

When we left the room, I went over to the washroom to freshen up before going on my daily walk with Sam when I wet myself again. This has happened three times so far this month. Apparently the baby is positioned really close to my bladder and keeps kicking.

“Sam, it happened again. Can you bring me new underwear?” I yelled for him.

Less than a minute later he walked into the washroom and almost slipped on my pee.

“Whoa, there's a lot of pee. Wait a minute, it’s not yellow.” He observed as he bent down. “Alex, I don’t think its pee.” He said right on queue.

I grabbed my stomach in pain and Sam quickly stood up and held me.

“I think my water just broke,” I managed to choke out.



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