After the Barrier

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<Sans' POV>
And I thought we would all never see the outside world again. It's really amazing on how much changed since.

My brother seems happy. A few people walked to him, alphys, and undyne, emphasis on a few though. Some fleed, but a few really liked them.

Me? I just stayed around the underground for a while, grab a few bottles of ketchup just in case we dont find food later.

As I took a shortcut towards the exit, I saw Toriel hugging and then holding Frisk's hand to follow after the rest. She seems more happier having Frisk around.

I went on and followed them," Hey guys, what's up?", I asked them while Papyrus carries a human child on his shoulders, and behind him I think is it's parents.

"Sans, where have you been? While you were gone, I have made some human friends. Human child what is your name?", Papyrus asked the human child, but the child didn't reply and the couple behind him lightly chuckeled.

"Papyrus, I think it's too scared", I told Papyrus, setting up myself

"Nonsense, Sans. It already befriended me, there is no way it could be afra-", I cut my brother off with...

"It's too much of a BABY ", I told papy as he placed down the child, his face had half furry and happiness. The couple behind him seemed to like the joke though, the lady laughed over her husband's shoulder.

"Sans...", he faced me and then looked at the couple,"Please for give my brother for making a lousy pun. He tends to tell the jokes too often"

<Toriel's POV>

"Papyrus dont be so mad", I intervened," After all he was just KIDding". I know Paps wouldnt like the pun but Sans seems to understand.

"I know, Lady Asgore", Papyrus said but it seems that he did not know of the pun.

I know Papyrus calls me that because I resemble Asgore, only physically, but he really needs to know my name," Oh. Just call me Toriel, Papyrus", i told papyrus

He nodded yes and he said," Sure thing, Toriel".

Alphys tugged lightly on my dress, she seems worried," H-Hey, Toriel? Wh-Where are we gonna stay?".

I paused for a second because I had to think. I thought where we all are gonna live in. Maybe some of us should stay underground for a while until we have our places to stay.

"Toriel? Is it? I over heard your conversation with her and, me and my husband wanted you to know that our there is an appartment building where we also live in that charges low for each day", The mother of the child said.

"Good to know, but we might need a place that is bigger for all of us monsters to stay in", I replied kindly as i didnt know how other humans will react to that.

"Well, I dont mean to be rude but, there is an abandoned building which the rest can stay in",

"I dont know if they might agree. Can you give me a second?", I responded, she politely agreed and I started looking for Mr. Dreemurr

I found a Whimsalot, "Whimsalot, Have you seen the king?", I asked and he pointed towards the group of monster and he is standing on a rock.

I walked up to him and he said,"Tori, they asked me if i have found any place to stay. I was about to ask you if you knew an-", I didnt let him finish and I answered," Around town there is an abandoned building. You'd better ask them if they are fine with that".

Asgore stood up on the rock and called everybody's attention,"Attention all monsters."

A lot of the monsters faced the EX-king of monsters and he announced," Toriel has found a solution to our house problem. There is a place where humans dont use the buildings anymore and we need a majority of you to agree".

Amazingly, a lot of them agreed to that. I went back to the couple.

"Ma'am, i am so happy that you have told us about the building", I told her and asked," Where is the building?".

"Oh, Well, we'll guide you to where it is", the mother said and I nodded in agreement.

<3rd Person>
A few hours later all the monsters got to the building without any problem

The abandoned building had 2 floors which the monsters perfectly lived in. Although, it was too crowded.

Toriel and Frisk didnt have any place to stay in the building as it was cramped, so they have to live in the appartment. It was full but the mother from before agreed to let them stay.

Papyrus and Sans, they also lived in the building...
somehow reaching the roof of the place...
there were no ladders...

Undyne also stayed at the building. She stuck with Asgore because she still strongly believes in him. And of course Alphys is with her.

All was right for the whole day.

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