01 | aprósmeni synátisi

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Ring. Ring. Ring.

"Yes, Daniel?" I questioned my personal assistant through the intercom.

"Ms. Myron, there are three men who wish to have a word with you. They requested you to meet them in the conference room in a few." He replied.

"Are you serious? What kind of business meeting is held at the end of my day shift?" I yelled into the intercom, fiddling with the documents that lay on top of my desk.

"I'm sorry Ms. Myron, but they said it is extremely important and that it can't wait under any circumstances." Daniel fed my concerns.

"Tell them to come back tomorrow. I'm not responsible for their tardiness, whoever they are."I barked back.

Harsh shuffling of feet, and faint whispers were heard from the other side of the intercom.

After a brief pause, Daniel was back on the line with a strained yet polite voice, "Ms. Myron, I'm afraid they desire your presence in the meeting room shortly. They wish to inform you that if you don't, they'll have my head chopped off in a matter of seconds."

"Threatening me and my employees. Exquisite! Tell them I'll be down immediately." I stood off my chair and headed to the main elevator.

This is just fine! First off, I face a group of thugs who try to break into my building and raid my company overnight, and now I have this "person" who demands my meeting by threatening the life of my personal assistant.

Furiously, I stomped down the hall, the clicking of my high heels reverberating and startling some of the staff out of their seats.

"What's up with her?"

"Wow, who peed in her bowl of cheerios this morning?"

"Who lit her fuses?"

Pitiful. That's just what I needed. In a flash of an eye, they were fired like a damn rifle.

"You three, pack your stuff and leave. Good luck finding a replacement job." I waved like the cold-hearted brat I am. Silence was all that could be heard, mouths were agape and eyes were wide saucers.

"Back to work! Unless you'd want me to fire more of you?" They all bent their heads down to their screens instinctively. Pshh, rude.

When I reached Daniel's desk beside the main door, he jumped up from his desk rubbing at his neck nervously.

"Ms. Myron, they're waiting inside." He said. I nodded and continued striding towards the door. "And Miss, please be careful, they seem like dangerous men." I turned my heard and inspected him thoroughly.

"Sure Daniel, sure." I headed for the door and twisted the knob.

"Olympia Myron, The Olympia Myron. At last, you decide to grace us with your presence." Spoke up a fairly tall man with greying hair and somewhat wrinkly face.

He looked passably fine, I could tell that he was once an indeed handsome and charming young man. He wore a tailored suit that looked designer, not too shabby for an old man. He could totally pass for his mid-fifties. On either sides of him sat two young men.

"His bodyguards maybe?" I thought.

"I'm Carson Peirce. And this is Ricardo and Deloris. Please have a seat." He pulled me out of my thoughts, pointing at his companions.

"Who the hell do you think you are? Barging into my building and threatening my employees! Not to mention you acting like you own this place." I felt my anger spike up.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

"I'm here for a deal. Sit down and we'll discuss what I have together." He arranged his files in front of him, but all I could think about was how great it would feel to shove them down his throat.

"You know what, fine. I'll sit down but you need to make it quick." I gave up and eventually sat down on the chair directly facing him.

"I'll get straight to the point, I'm in need of a shareholder. When I looked up through your background, I couldn't help but find you an eligible and perfect candidate for this contract." He imperiously stated his plans.

"Carry on." I urged with a fake look of anticipation and apprehension.

"We need funds for a profitable project we've been working on for a few months, and you were the only person suitable to our needs. This project is extremely important, therefore we need to fulfill it sooner or later." He continued.

"I'm sorry Mr. Carson, but I'm not seeking any new business contracts. I'm not interested whatsoever." I cut him off, shifting in my seat and getting ready to stand up.

"Oh my darling, I'm sorry but you have no choice but to sign this contract. Whether you like it nor not. You don't have a say in this do you?" He smirked like an evil bastard.


"What do y-" My question was ceased to an end when I became aware of the cold barrels of two guns being pointed to my temple. The color drained from my face, realizing the seriousness of my situation.

"Sign to live, my love."

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