05 | ýpoulos schédio

22 4 2

As soon as I entered through the door of Starbucks, the bittersweet aroma of urban coffee and vanilla evaded my nostrils, and I almost moaned in appreciation and forgot all about my burdens.

Keyword 'Almost'.

"You grab a seat, and I'll get us drinks." Caleb instructed me and strode towards the counter and exchanged a few words with the barista.

I sat on a small table facing the glass window panels that give a fascinating view of the lively streets of the buzzing city.

The cars flashed by leaving trails of red lights behind them. On the sidewalks, people came and went, some wore trainers and jogged down the pavement, some walked their dogs on leashes, others casually roamed the streets for fresh air.

I turned my head sideways to find Caleb holding two mugs of coffee and already heading towards our table.

He set my mug in front of me and sat down next to me.

"That was fast" I mumbled, burying my face in the steam of the coffee, trying to get myself some warmth.

"Well, there wasn't much of a crowd waiting in the line." He sipped from his mug.

He then set it down leaning forward with a look of apprehension on his face, "Olympia, What are you going to do when we find the culprit?"

"Caleb, please don't ask me. I'm doing what I can do, and I don't want anyone to come in the way."

"How can you do that by yourself? It's impossible."

"I have my own ways. After all, I'm a business woman and have sufficient contacts."

"Hmm, let's see what 'ways' you might have in mind."

"Listen, I'm leaving tomorrow for India. I know a great hacker that can break into almost anything and code the hell out of anything on a computer. He lives there and I'll give him a call to meet with me. Plus, I have some business there too. Two in one." I explained to him the plan that I brewed up in my mind.

"That seems adequate. But the question is, Is the guy you're talking about trustworthy?"

"One hundred percent, absolutely, positively sure. I may or may not have been friends with him in my childhood."

"Interesting. But what do you need a hacker for?"

"Of course, to find the hacker that has been breaking into our system. I'm hoping we can find the location or address of that little guy. When we find out his place, we'll call the police and lead them to him. And he'll have to return all the money he smuggled. Not to mention sticking him in jail."

You're a genius, Olympia. The mafia won't know what we're planning.

We just have to find where their base is and we'll point it out to the police.

They'll be arrested before they can even come near us.

But what about the contract?

Baby steps, Olympia.

"Not too shabby, Olympia. I give you my approval. Have you ever considered being a detective before?" He said.

"As a matter of fact, yes I have." I joked and we both broke out in laughter.

Oh boy, Olympia.

Laugh while you still can.


The following day, I woke up extra early to prep myself for the flight further through the day.

While I packed my needed belongings, Lana sat on the edge of my bed and watched me stuff a few pairs of undergarments.

"Do you need my assistance? I would be glad to help you pack. Or perhaps you would want me to prepare you a chicken sandwich?" Lana asked.

"Lana, no it's perfectly fine. Just a few dresses and shirts. I'll only be staying in India for a couple of days. As for the sandwich, it does sound appetizing." She started to rise up from the bed, "but there's still an hour for me to leave, you'll fix it for me later. For now, please sit down and entertain me."

"Fine Olympia, I have a question." Lana plopped down in front of me.

"Shoot." I grabbed the bag of makeup and placed it in the side zipper of my suitcase. I had already done my makeup and there would be no need for it anymore.

"Shall I call a driver to pick you up? Surely you won't be driving yourself right?" She looked up at me expectantly.

"Caleb's driving me to the airport, Lana. Stop worrying about me, I'll be fine." I told her.

"I just can't help it, you're like a daughter to me."

"I'll only be gone for a week tops, it's not like I've never travelled before." I approached and embraced her in a warm hug. She folded her arms around me like a loving mother.

"Let's stop getting all sappy. On second thought, the sandwich would do wonders right now." I smiled.

"Right away!" She grinned and left the room.

I shook my head in humor, and resumed my packing.

When the finishing touches were added, I zipped the suitcase shut and changed into a pair of comfy jeans and white tank top. Tying the shoe laces of my Nikes, Lana called out to inform me that the sandwich was done.

I trudged into the kitchen and grabbed my plate after thanking her.

I took a bite of my sandwich and gave credits to God for giving Lana the ability to make one hell of a meal.

Half-way through my sandwich, the door bell rang. I could hear Lana opening the door.

"Olympia, come on and get your butt in the car, you're going to be late for your flight."

Well, well. If it isn't Caleb.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2016 ⏰

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