02 | eválota

40 6 1

My heart began thumping intensely against my rib cage, and I was afraid it was a drop dead giveaway to pinpointing my vulnerability at this very moment.

I struggled considerably to remain composed and keep a straight face.

Sheesh, did the room temperature just drop a thousand degrees?

Don't hit the panic button yet, girl!

"I'm not signing any of your god damn contracts, now if you please, put down the guns or I would have no choice but to make your life living hell." I seethed, my voice laced with pure hatred.

I was pretty astounded by the effort I exerted to attempt to scare the guy off, which was clearly down to the core of the earth. That bastard didn't even look a bit shaken. No sign of agitation, nothing, nada, zilch.

But he did something I wouldn't have guessed would happen in a million years. He laughed, and laughed, and laughed. I could've sworn he was wiping away tears of laughter from the corner of his eyes.

I had to restrain the urge to spit at his so called 'ravishing' face. I glared at him, but if only looks could kill, he'd be long gone and forgotten by now.

In a fraction of a second, his laughing came to an abrupt stop, and a deadpan expression spread across his face. He slid up from his chair, sauntering over to where I was seated.

Every step he took closer, my fists clenched tighter, my nostrils flared wider, and more intelligible curses spewed out from my mouth.

He stopped right in front of me and leaned forwards so he was face to face with me, and reached out to tuck a stray strand of my golden hair away from my eyes.

"You don't really understand do you? Listen here, I'm going to let you read through the files, and you're going to be a good girl and do the right thing, which of course is to sign those papers. You can't run away from this, can you now?" He hissed into my ear and pointed his finger to the drawn guns.

He then returned back to his seat and slid a file of papers across the table. I raised my eyebrows distastefully at him before commencing to read through the file.

The cover read in red bold letters:


Oh please what could be so secretive about a few sentences that accommodate a transaction of a couple of million dollars?

Reading through the pages proved my thoughts to be completely false. What I read made my stomach drop.

I didn't understand, as if my brain short-circuited and needed to be rebooted. My eyes retreaded over the words intently as if they were sacred land.

"We solicit four tons of cocaine from Mexico."

"In need of six tons of heroine for special customers willing to pay suffice amounts."

"Overall total must require about 1.7 Billion American bucks."

They're a mafia?

"What? No no no! This is impossible! Do you seriously think I'd get myself involved in this mess?" I clamored with disbelief.

I started to rise from table but plunged back down when I recalled the two hazardous guns armed at me.

"Do I look like I'm kidding? Now that you know what this contract consists of, why don't you go ahead and sign it?" He said, his eyes idling towards the papers in front of me.

Okay, now you can press the panic button.

"What is this? This is fraud!" I ranted outrageously. I could feel a sense of frustration spark inside him.

"Shut it and sign the damn papers, Olympia." He roared. I stared down at the paperwork unsure of what to do.

"You're going to pay for this, not to mention regret it too." I picked up the pen with clammy fingers. The true reality of my state caused my hand to stutter like a fish out of a pond. Hesitance clouded my mind, but I had no other tolerable choice.

I jotted down my signature and ogled at it.

Did I just sign on the behalf of my dear fate?

"Obedient, aren't you Olympia?" He said, "I still have one more condition. You keep your mouth shut, and if you breath with one word concerning this, consider yourself dead." His companions lowered their guns and tucked them into their pants.

"Go to hell, you damn monster!" I barked out with a ferocious frown plastered to my forehead.

"I believe my business is done." He stood up and flattened his trousers with his palms, "Until next time, Olympia Myron." He flashed me his twenty-four karat smile, and strode to the exit, his guards following suit.

The echo of the door closing resonated across the room.

What have I just done?

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