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I grab on of the carts and make my way towards the groceries. Max follows behind me. He has his hood up and glasses on. The last thing we want is some one recognizing him.

People always give him weird looks when we're out. Most people still fear and hate him. The ones who don't are apart of his fan club and if you ask me their just as annoying.

Girls tend to go crazy over that hold reformed bad boy thing. I kind of understand that. I mean I absolutely love Bucky from the Captain America movies. It's just really annoy when they come up to us all squealing and gush over Max.

The last time we'd go attacked by a group of them in the mall. One girl pushed me out of the way to get to him. I ended up crashing into a expensive statue and braking it.

Those a$$holes actually had the audacity to charge us for inciting a riot.

From that point on we made sure not to draw any attention when we were out in public.

"What's the first item on the list?" I asked looking back at Max.

"Milk, eggs, and yogurt."

I made my way over to the dairy aisle. I picked up the milk and eggs when some one called my name.

"Ronda? Ronda Hardy?" A familiar high pitched voice called. I cringed at the sound of it. I knew who the voice belonged to before I even looked up.

Avery Moor, stood dressing in her floral skirt and pink cardigan. Her arm was wrapped around a man who looked like he'd stepped out of a GQ magazine.

I internally sighed but I forced myself to smile and greet her back. "Avery, it's nice to see you."

"Oh my god how long has it been since graduation?" Avery asked.

Not long enough

"Almost four years." I answer.

"Well you look...healthy. My modeling agency is always asking me to lose a few pounds. I mean it's like come on guys I'm already a size two, what do you want from me. But I guess it's apart of the business. I wish I could be like you and gain as much weight as I wanted with out a care in the world." Avery said with a bright smile.

I really wanted to punch her in her traditionally beautiful face. Even in high school she was always saying stuff like that. She figured if she put a smile on and said it in a friendly tone then no one could call her out on it.

"Whose this?" Max asked behind me.

I almost forgot he was there. It was bad enough to have to deal with Avery on my own, I didn't want Max to witness my humiliation.

"I'm Avery. Who are you." Avery said turning to look at Max. She smiled sweetly and stuck out her chest. I rolled my eyes.

"Max, Ronny's friend." Max answers.

"Friend? Oh, for a second there I almost thought you guys were a couple. I hope your still not hung up on Shawn."

I grit my teeth. Why am I not surprised she found a way to work Shawn into the conversation. He was a guy I liked back in high school. He was an outcast just like me and I thought maybe we could be together. I confessed to him and he rejected me in front of the whole school. He said he wasn't into fat chicks with weird hair.

Turns out even social outcast can be a$$holes with superiority complexes.

"Nope, I'm over him. Right now I'm just focused on my career at liberty tower." I say.

"Oh so you're one of those women. That's cool, I guess. To each its own. Oh did I forget to introduce my fiancé. He just graduated and is getting ready to go to medical school." Avery says pointing at the man next to her.

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