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The man being controlled by the by the enchantress takes another step forward.  It must have been her darkness I sensed earlier.  The man moved to take another step but stopped.

His eyes seemed to go wide with panic. "What? No we had an agreement. You said I could kill him."

I watched as his eyes flickered between a brown color and the green of the enchantress. The hand that held the knife began to quiver. He seemed to be struggling to gain some type of control.

I keep my gun trained on him. Even if he was under control he was still a threat. His hand jerked. What happened next went so fast that my brain couldn't even process what happened.

Just when I thought he was going to attack the man took the knife and plunged it into his stomach.

"No!" Max screamed as he lunged forward.

Max grabbed onto the man's body but it was too late. A stain of blood spread around the place were the knife punctured him. His legs gave out and the only thing that stopped him from falling to the ground was Max who wrapped his arms around the dying man.

Max's hand pressed against the open wound, trying to stop the bleeding. "No, no, no."

The man coughed and blood splattered his lips. I stared, watch the whole scene play out in shocking horror.

"We need help! Somebody get help!" Max screamed.

No one made a move. They all stared at the bleeding man with wide eyes and opened mouths. It wouldn't have mattered the man's life was doomed the moment the enchantress lad eyes on him.

"S-she..." The man strained to speak.

"Don't talk. Save your energy someone will get help." Max said to the man dying in his arms.

"S-she said p-p-pairs was lonely without you. Shh-she said...it was r-real. P-p-pairs was real."  The man said, the green of his eyes shining brightly.

The words made no sense to me but I knew enough to know it was the enchantress. Max's body went ridged at the mention of Paris. Whatever the man was talking about it had been a message meant only for Max.

"S-she said there will be war and blood. She will litter the streets with bodies in y-your name. Death walks among us again." The man said.

The green faded from the man's eyes as he took his final whizzing breath. He couched again. More blood spilt from his mouth, but then he closed his eyes and never opened them again.


"What part of she's back is so hard for you idiots to understand!" I say slamming the file report back on the table.

It was only after the the man had died that anyone from liberty tower had decided to show up. Instead of going to search for the enchantress they'd taken Max into custody. Jack Frost had been there and refused to let me see Max after they took him. Instead they sent me to this room to file a freaking report.

"Ms. Hardy I realize after this tragic event you may feel unsettled. There may have been a few things you saw that left you feeling unease. That is why we welcome you to seek out our concealing center after you file-"

"Do not talk to me like I'm a normal member of the public." I snapped at the red head woman behind the desk.

I knew the speech she was giving. Hell, I'd given that speech before. People didn't always take well to seeing super powered beings going up against each other, but I was not one of those people. I wanted to see Max and this was all just getting in the way.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2016 ⏰

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