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So by the title... It's about Camden

So if you haven't watched the Phineas and Ferb Exposed video by berleezy on YouTube, the first part won't make sense.

So I was quoting the video to Maddie as we were walking down the hallway and I said "and that Brussels sprout fade" and Camden turned around and said

"You're a Brussels sprout!" In a creepy voice and Maddie and I both busted out laughing.

A few days later I walked up to him and said, "you're a Brussels sprout!!" To see if he remembered it and he immediately retaliated with

"You're a broccoli assassin!!" Like what the fuck? He didn't even think about it it just flowed right out! It was the funniest thing EVER

The bad thing is, my friend Anna had a huge crush on him (note the HAD) so his name is forbidden

But ya that was hilarious

Well that's today's funny rant.

See ya, my Brussels broccoli assassin sprouts!

Til next rant


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