Hospital Part 3

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Two hours later at the hospital a sound escaped the teenager's lips.


Where did that sound come from? Thought the patient. Then after a moment, the patient realized where it came from. The sound came from her, thought Mina. But why did the sound come out? What is that buzzing? Mina blocked out the sound with her thoughts as her eyes slowly adjusted to the bright light coming from overhead. A woman in a long, white piece of cloth stood over her. She made some noises, but I did not understand.

Mina new her name because of a dream where she was call by that name. She rarely thought of it till now. It may have been due to being so near the human woman.

"Hello there?

How are you feeling?"

Asked the doctor of her patient.

A patient who was healthy but confused. After a minute with no reply, I jotted down the girl's lack of reaction. Then I came close to her to shine a light into her steel blue eyes. The girl growled at me. I froze, because only one thought came to my mind at that growl, this girl was a werewolf!

Ouch thought Mina, when the woman shined the light into my eyes, the pain in my head caused me to growl. I had no idea why she did that, but once the light left my eyes, I felt less pain. The woman must've noticed this because she switched the light off, sometime after my growl.

After a moment the woman regained movement when she realized that her patient growled because of the light she shined in to her eyes. The doctor immediately turned off the flashlight. Then she left the room, after some time the patient quieted down. In the doctor's office, the doctor dialed a familiar number.



Answered a voice on the other side of the line. The doctor's cool and collected voice replied, "Hello, Rin, this is Doctor Melina Grey. I am calling about a Jane Doe in my care who may be someone you know." On the other end of the line Rin ran to the phone and froze at the sound of the woman's voice on the other end. He hadn't heard this voice in a long time. It was the voice of his mate. His thoughts went back in time; I am the new beta for the Mountain Ranger pack. I made a stupid mistake early this morning. I rejected my mate, because she was living the town. This happened nine years ago. My stupid action caused me the loss of my mate, who only left to study to become a doctor. My thoughts scrambled back to the present, now she is on the other side of the line talking to me.

"Hello... Rin... Did you hear me? ...," said my distant mate. I realized that I must've blanked out. " Sorry," I replied. Melina sighed and repeated her words. "I have a Jane Doe in my care who you may know." He replied with, "Where and how long? "Melina replied, "About five hours and in Linden Hospital in Sperryville, Virginia.

"Click." was all she heard after that. Two hours and forty-five minutes later, Melina headed back to her Jane does room.

As soon as the woman left the room, Mina tried to remember what happened, sometime later still not recalling the events after leaving her family she moved to leave. She did not realize that there was a piece of cloth covering her. When she got up her feet were tangled, and she went headfirst to the ground.

Doctor Melina was about to walk back into Jane Doe's room when she heard a sound.


She ran into the room, finding her patient on the floor with a blanket tangled around her legs. Melina stopped and watched as her patient looked at her hands and legs as if noticing them for the first time.

Mina looked at her limbs and noticed they were like that of the woman. She bent her fingers even though she did not know what they were called. Then she wiggled her butt, to check for her tail. She felt confused, her limbs were different, and she had no fur and no tail. she did not realize that she had started to cry. The white-clothed woman walked over to her, leaned down and with the edge of her sleeve wiped the tears away. Mina saw her lips moving but did not understand what the noises that came out of them meant. Mina just sat there and stared at the woman.

Melina silently registered things about the girl. The way she stared at her with child-like blankness and expectation, made her think of an innocent child in the body of a young adult. When I asked her about whom she was, I saw she did not understand me. I made a mental note of it. Then I untangled the blanket from her legs, thinking about all I was learning about my patient, smiling at the way she had wiggled. When she did that it almost made me laugh, but when I saw her start crying, I suppressed it. As I turned around after placing the blanket on the bed, I saw her trying to get up as I had just done. She fell instantly back to the floor, and I just could not take it. All the suppressed laughter burst from me.

"Ha...hah... heh... ha... ha!"

I laughed so hard that tears welled up in my eyes, and burs-ed out.

Mina watched the woman make funny expressions and noises. Then when she saw her crying, she was at her side instantly, moving the edge of the cloth that previously was covering her over the water that was coming out from the woman's eyes.

Melina was amazed at what she saw. The instant I started crying from my laughter, she sprang up from the ground onto the bed and she dried the tears from my face. Then I heard a growl coming from the direction of the door. We both turned our heads towards it.

Rin walked into the room a few moments after the tear bursting and reacted, when he saw his mate crying, he growled with anger. "Rin, she is laugh-crying." his alpha's mental link calmed him down. He then looked at the other figure in the room. She looked like a teenager but smelled like a wolf.

Mina registered there were three men standing at the door. One was growling, another one was watching me intently, and the third man was watching the growling man.

I sniffed the air and caught the scent of woods and something familiar but not recognizable. Then the growling man calmed down. Beside me the crying woman got up and spoke to the men.

"Alpha Max, Alpha George, Rin.

"Melina acknowledged the werewolves and spoke on behalf of her patient. This is the Jane Doe I mentioned to Rin on the phone. She was found in a cave in the woods at the base of Old Rag. Some rangers were stalking a wolf pack and found her instead. She was knocked out with sleeping gas meant for the wolves. When she came to, she did not understand me, nor did she know how to walk or talk. She is basically a newborn in the body of a teenager.

Max, the third werewolf to come with the group noticed something special, as soon as they entered the room; he knew that the Jane Doe in the room was his mate. When Rin was about to attack, I looked at George and he calmed him down. All three of us heard the report on my mate. The whole time I watched her. She sniffed the air but did not recognize our scent.

At Max's look I calmed down my beta, and then heard the report on the patient. As I looked at the girl, a distant memory stirred in the back of my head. It eluded me now, but I knew it would come back to me. I felt that it was important. After talking things out among us, we concluded that the Jane Doe was coming home with us. Max, Rin and I left the room as the doc helped her patient get ready to leave and then checked her out of the hospital.

Melina handed her patient sweatpants and a jacket as well as underwear, Melina thought to herself, all of which I had bought earlier in the hospital gift shop. My patient just looked back at me not knowing what to do with the clothes. When I realized this, I helped her put them on. She squirmed and made funny faces the whole time, while I laughed. She was used to my laughter by then and no longer gave me the look that said, "Why are you making that noise?"

After she was dressed, I helped her into a wheelchair. I had to lay my hand on her shoulder to keep her from twisting out of it. After she figured out that she supposed to stay in it, she did, and I took her out of the room.

Mina took in the things around her; I had different shaped cloth all over me. I was in a moving half box, and we left the now familiar area. I looked all around me and listened to all the sounds. I must've moved my head in all directions because I heard the woman make that strange sound again.

"Ha...Ha... Hah."

When we reached the outside doors, I smelled the nearby woods. For the first time I felt calmness come over me.

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