Mate Part 4

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TWO HOURS AFTER THE INTRUDERS INCIDENT, George, finally remembered where he saw the familiarity about Mina. He opened dusty red file on my desk and started to read it.

-Dead, Male, Female, and midwife, A Massacre, Murdered, by the close friend of the family, and the towns people. The baby was never found, and the house pup was thrown out of the house.

George finished reading the file and closed it after looking at the pictures of the crime scene. I also saw the last picture of them alive. In the picture was a pregnant woman with a man's arm around her back and the other on her stomach, both beaming; at each other. The woman was the exact replica of Mina. The couple's last name was Wood.

Mina felt she was comfortable and relaxed after the children were safe and been taken cared by their parents and she got her two hours nap after the attempted pup napping. Mina's thoughts traveled back to the moment when Alpha, Max and Alphas warriors came in. I felt drawn to Max ever since the building I woke up in. Now however I knew why. As soon as he stepped in front of George, when George was planning to attack me, my wolf shouted in my head "MATE."Since then I felt relaxed protected and cared for. So I went to sleep after he scratched me behind my ears. Since then I have been content.

Now it's been a month since the attack incident. I went back to my human form with my mates help. Now, looking at a picture of my parents, for whom I felt no closeness, regret or loss, however I did feel love. I did not feel the need for revenge or the feeling to avenge my parents or the midwife, even when I saw the crime pix. I saw in the file that George showed me, that there killer died of cancer a month after their murder, and the town people involved felt like they murdered them and in their hearts and minds they felt the guilt of it. I felt they got something worse out of the ordeal. They got the knowledge that they killed the innocent. No one ever saw the people of the house as monsters, except the dyeing friend. Who twisted their minds with his death near words? I placed the picture of my mom and dad in my bag with my clothes and zipped it.

Today I am leaving this pack, to live with my mate Max. Now that they know that I am not crazed or vengeful, as well as can speak write, read and think for myself. My best skill is calming the wolf nature of every wolf and wolf shifter, including the alpha. This little perk became known three days after the incident. So now, looking back in to my room I saw in my mind, with all its memories of my new start among my own, the new me."Click" I closed the door and with my bag in hand walked downstairs to the family room, placing my case nears the nearest wall.

I turned around to face the kitchen when flash hit my eyes along with" will miss you", cry's. I grinned, hugged every pack member and shed some tears. They were giving me a good by party, but come and visit anytime.

Max thought "This is it".

After driving through the rich deep woods, in Idaho, for a while, Mina thought, we came upon a clearing; there at the center ‎I saw a log house of two stories. Up front there is a foot high porch with no rails, which leads you to a red door with windows on either side. A triangular roof from two posts going towards the middle of the house, you could see that from the side. On the side of the first floor there were two large looking in windows and in the center was a glass sliding door. The other half of the side of the house connected to the front porch roof was an additional floor level with a single large window. The same thing mirroring the side was on the other side of the house with one exception; there was no glass sliding door, but a fire place. At the back of the house on your right was a back door, on the left a kitchen window, and at the center a blank log wall. The entire log house was a two story. The roof had grass and field flowers growing on it, giving me a welcome home feel. I turned and smiled at Max."I love it "I replied.

Max drove a full circle around the house. Then waited for her assessment, he released a big breath at her reply. Then parking the car they got out.

He put my arm around my mate and we walked the two steps, and across the front porch threw the red door in to the house. I gave her a side hug, and said," welcome home, Pup".

"I am not a pup" automatically replied Mina, even do i did not mind any more, when I was learning to speak and write, Max said that I was like a new puppy. Since then he's been calling me Pup.

Max then turned her, facing him she grinned and gave me a kiss.

After the kiss Mina said "I am home, Max".

Mina: I just finished doing the laundry and the cleanup of the kitchen from breakfast. For this past three days I've been meeting my mates pack. They were wonderful, and full of mischief. Every morning about twenty or twenty two pack members would show up and meet me. They ate ten families worth of food. So there was a lot of cleaning to be done after. All those plates, pots and pans. Breakfast was a huge thing in this pack.

I stepped out of the house took a deep breath and got slapped in the face by my loose long hair, when the wind blew it to the side. After tying it back out of my face and took a basket from the side of the porch and went towards the garden at the side of the house. I just bent to pick the tomatoes, when out of nowhere ten rouges attacked me. All at once.

I was able to kill six, but the rest caught me and the one of them thrust their clawed paw threw my body pulling out my heart. Then my mate was there, he killed the rest before i was surrounded by darkness.

"Beep, beep, beep.

Max: I was watching my mate, covered with tubes, and wires. The doc saved her but at a huge price. My mate has a plastic heart. She will never again know how it feels to know she has a soul mate. There is even the possibility that she will never shift again. Since she has a machine for a heart. I held her hand and cry-ed silently.

Max: I just left my mate to go to the restroom, when I returned she was gone. I FREAKED. I shouted threw the Alphas links to every pack in the USA. IF ANYONE HAS MY MATE THEY ARE DEAD. Then I searched the house to find my mate. I could not sense her, with our mate bond, because of her heart gone. But I should've been able to smell her.

After hours of searching the house, Yard, and nearby towns, with failed result. I went back to the Alpha link. I said. If any one sees my mates please tell me wear and I will come and get her. I described my mate and gave a warning to those that wanted to use her against me. If anyone tries to hurt her I will slather their whole pack.

Mina: Where am I? Why are their tubes in me? I pulled out everything that I could see and grabbed the nearest cloths. I hear-ed someone nearby, I Guess it was a guy, from his cloth's. But I did not recognize the place, or new who I was. I just grabbed whatever was near the cloths and ran out of the house. I was in the woods.

I kept running until I came to a bench by a road. A few minutes later I hear-ed something stop. I looked up to find a bus in front of me. The bus driver asked me if I was getting on. I got on paid with the money from the wallet that I grabbed. And off I went from unknown to start in the unknown, my new life.

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