Utensils and other inanimate object

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It's a good day. The ray of sun lighting the room, giving her warmth as she stretches her body, yawning and wiping the sleep off in her eyes. Smelling freshly cooked eggs, bacon and pancakes. The aroma of coffee waking her up to a tune of cups, her song, from a certain boy's voice. Only that boy is her boyfriend.

She went downstairs, to the kitchen following the smell of the foods. In every step, she can make out the lyrics he's singing.

I got my gluten free cupcake from the shop. The icing looks really delectable.

She's leaning at the doorway, watching the guy try to do the cup tricks using a mug with new lyrics of the song.

And I'm gonna eat it even I'm not gonna feel it. 'Cause I'm eating this cupcake without gluten.

He finishes the song. Tossing and flipping the mug all at the WRONG direction. Lucky he didn't crush it, (at least he tried and his voice is amazing.) He finally noticed her.

"Jesus! Bec. You scared me." he screamed with a perfect falsetto and Beca laughs.
"Good morning Jess." she said approaching him and pecking his lips. They then sat down and he gives her a plate of pancakes with butter and maple syrup. She munches on the bacon then starts to speak again.

"So I see you're doing the cups. Using a mug. With new lyrics. Why is that?" she said, taking a bite of her pancake. Jesse nervously laughs and said, "Funny. You wanna laugh?"
"Excellent." he said in a higher pitch. "Okay. Here's a story. There's this one time, I saw Benji handling his dove. At first I thought he was just doing another trick. But then he's not." he told her and she gestured her hands as if to say continue. "And then I noticed that he's doing the cup trick."
"Poor birdie."
"I know." he agreed with her, closing his eyes and nodding his head.

"Then I asked him if I'm right. And he said yes. So I asked him again why the hell he's doing your cup trick to his dove."

"Hey Jess, man before you accuse me of animal cruelty or something, I am not."
"Then explain to me." Jesse said to his friend.
"Well you know that song Emily sang at the riff-off?"
"Yeah. The one she wrote? What about it?"
"That's called Flashlight. So if Emily have Flashlight and Beca has Cups, I thought of doing my own."
"So you did the cups using your dove?"
End of flashback...

"It's not just his dove where he tried doing the cup. There's his cape. And he said of making a version of Emily's Flashlight, such as Spotlight, Strobe light and other kinds of light. And then he asked me. If I would make my own version what would it be? And I said-"
"Well, yeah. And other inanimate objects. Were kind of flipping it around. But we failed."
"So you just created a song?"
"Benji mentioned something about gluten free cupcake and it just hit our heads and burst out into song." and with that, Beca laughed.
"Oh my god."
"I thought you said 'No' to laughing." Jesse said, pouting like a child.
"I'm sorry baby. I thought you're kidding me when you asked if I wanna laugh." she said while trying to contain her laughter.
"Why don't you just teach me how to do the trick?"

So she did. And after so many tries. Finally, he gave up. Still didn't got it right. Well he did got the first few steps. Other than that, there's cup flying in every direction. So Beca came up to this question.

"Why not just make your own? You're good at composing."
"So Mu-"
"-no. Nope. Not mugs, not doves, not capes or even cupcakes."
"How about Spot-"
"-nope. Not any kinds of light. And not just a version of Cups or Flashlight. I mean original one."
"Think of other stuff. Other utensil maybe?"
"Fork, first thing that pops in my head is Luci."
"Oh. Right. How about knife?"
"Are you going to kill someone?"
"Then you have to at least put 'make', 'bake', and 'cake' to the lyrics. So no."

Jesse come up with any other utensils but all are rejected by Beca. So later that night, when he comes back from practice and she comes back from her internship, having their dinner, an idea pops in his head.

"You have your spoon Jesse."
"No. I mean spoon."
"Even when you said it twice, doesn't mean I can understand what you want to say."
"Spoon. SPOON." He said, waving the object.
"I know the meaning and what it looks Jesse."
So when she doesn't get it, he starts singing a song she never heard before.

Look out! Look out!
There's something evil twitchin'
In your kitchen.
Silverware! Everywhere!
They're terrible horrible spoons!

He's singing it like his in a musical. Acting every line of the song.

Look here! Look here!
They can carry soup or peas!
Or disease
Lock your doors
Check your drawers
Terrible horrible spoons

And Beca feels like she's really watching a musical.

Look in a spoon
You look like a clown!
It's all fun and games
But turn it around
Now your face is upsidedown
It's truly the devils work

Now the lights are turning on and off. Following Jesse's direction. Beca doesn't know where the spotlights are coming from and she don't care because she's enjoying what she's seeing right now.

They never slice or chop or spear
or whisk or dice or pierce or smear
no all they ever do I fear
is spoon spoon spoon spoon!
They're terrible horrible spoons!

Now the chairs are moving. And she now notices the background voices she ignored earlier.

They're big, they're small
They scoop, they flick
They're silver, they're wood
They're a bowl on a stick
They hold solids and liquids
There's nothing that stops it

Unbelievably, all the said spoons are suddenly appearing and disappearing. Beca doesn't know if she's just imagining things because Jesse doesn't seem to notice this things.

They're convex on one side
Concave on the other side!
They're spoon spoon spoon
spoon spoon spoon spoooooon!

He finishes the song. And all things were back to normal as if nothing happened. Just Jesse, singing. And Beca, watching. And all they ever said was "Wow." Meaning it wasn't just Beca who noticed the weird things, but Jesse too.

What they didn't know was it was all the Trebles "magic". They heard their conversation that morning, same at that dinner. Two of the Trebles were at the doorway of the kitchen, turning the lights on and off (because the switch is there). The other Trebles were at the back part of the house near the kitchen. Peaking through every window, each of them have their mini flashlights (if the girls have rape whistles, they have mini flashlights), and used them as improvised spotlights. The moving chairs, the disappearing and appearing of every kind of spoon are all Benji's magic trick. (He's no Harry Potter or Chris Angel, or David Blaine but at least it worked.) He's under the table. How did he get there and how did he escaped? (I don't even know. 😎)

They're doing all of that while harmonizing and singing with their captain. How did it all happen? (I don't even know either. 😂) It was all spontaneous and spot on. Impromptu. And that's how they made the Spoon Song.

That's a long one. I don't exactly know if the lyrics of the spoon song is right so let me know. Hope you enjoy it. Review please. 😘

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