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The long awaited September 1 finally came.It was quite a rainy day.I got up early and skipped out of my room.

"Morning mom,dad,grandma,grandpa!"I yelled as I skiped down the stairs.

"Morning Alexis!"They coursed and I giggled as I touched down on the bottom of the stairs.

"Morning guys!"I sounded as I entered the kitchen to find the house elves making breakfast.

"Morning mistres Alexis!"they said putting food on the table.

"Thank you!"I said digging into my pancakes.

"Our pleasure mistres."the house elves bowed.

"Are you exited to finally be going to Hogwarts,mistres?"Blue asked.

"I'm more then excited."I said putting chocolate syrup on my pancakes.

"Have you packed everything?"Gray asked.

"I have anything I could possible need."I said smiling at him.

"If you need us to send anything just owl us."Sky said putting a glass of orange juice in front of me.

"I will,promise."I said.

"Make sure to not get into to much trouble,mistres."River warned.

"What is life without a little trouble,besides I'm James Potter's daughter.Do you think it is even possible for me to do that?"I asked quickly finishing my breakfast.

"Yes,mistres,but just be careful."Gray said.

"I will,no need to worry."I said.

"We will bring your luggage downstairs while you get ready,mistres."Sky said going up the stairs.

"Thank you,I should get to that really."I said putting the plates away.

I ran up the stairs,the house elves at my tail.I ran into my room and into the closet.I looked around and spotted a black coat,just right for this weather.I took that out along with a pair of black skinny jeans and a green blouse.I styled my hair in my usually red,louse curls.The weater was quite rainy so I took out a clear umbrella to take with me.For shoes I took out a pair of black boots to ones I used for riding.Now that I was ready,it was time to get going.I walked out of my room tightening the belt of my coat.I walked to the portrait for onelast goodbye.

"I'm going to miss seeing you while I'm at Hogwarts."I said letting a tear slip.

"Oh honey,you will come back for Christmas."mom said calming me down.

"Can I write you letters?The elves could read them to you."I said.

"That is a great idea!"dad beamed.

"I will make sure to do it then.Love you all.See you for Christmas holidays."I said.

"Love you,Lexi.Don't do anything I wouldn't do!"dad yelled after me.

"Will do dad!"I waved at them as I entered the living room.

The elves were waiting for me there with all my bags.I braught dad's bag with me for school along with my suitcase and a duffle bag with some essentials.I looked at the elves with a smile as I stepped into the fireplace.

"I will make sure to write and I will see you for the holidays."I said as they out tha suitcases into the fireplace with me.

"See you soon mistres."they called as I trew the flow powder at my feet.

"King's Cross!"I yelled as the flames swallowed me and my luggage.

I got out in a fireplace at King's Cross, taking a cart for all my belongings.I pushed the around looking for the platform 9 3/4.I finally found the wall I needed,the one between platforms 9 and 10.I looked at it,took a deep breath and ran into the wall.I went trough and got out on the other side.The platform was filled with people,children with their parents.I grined wide when I saw a family of redheads fussing around their sons.I pushed my cart toward them.

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