Summer at the Burrow

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After a few weeks at the Burrow,I started to open up more and more.These people sort of became my family.I enjoyed playing quidditch with the boys while Ginny watched from the ground.I found that the boys were quite overprotective of their little sister.I enjoyed the late night talks with Charlie about his work in Romania.Bill was the most competitive and the most short tempered out of them.He hated losing especially to me.Turns our my dad was a quidditch player at Hogwarts,chaser to be more precise.He even became the captain of the Gryffindor quidditch team.I must have inharited the quidditch skills from him,since flying was easier then breathing to me.Within the first hour on the broom I was doing all kinds of twists and turn in mid-air.The twins usually ganged with me with the intentions of finally crushing their unbeatable brothers at quidditch.Today was no diferant.We ran outside,just after breakfast,ready for a round of good quidditch.I held my broom tightly in my hand,gripping the handle.The warm wind hit my face and I closed my eyes,inhaling the sent of flowers filling the air.I opened my eyed again and hoped onto my broom,speeding off into the clouds.I have never felt more free.I played with the clouds,touching them and flying trough them.I flew down to the tree level and played with the leaves,dancing with the wind.I looked around,seeing all the fields and woods that surounded the Burrow.It was a beautiful scenario,with the sun still low,shining just above the trees.I fell in love with this place.I could just sit there and stare at it forever.

Fred's POV

She looked so gorgeus.She didn't notice that I was right behind her,looking at the same thing she was.Alexis became my best friend,next to George of course,but I didn't like it.Why you ask?I was slowly but surely falling for my best friend.I mean she was so perfect and gorgeus,I couldn't help myself.I knew she was younger and all but didn't care.A voice at the back of my head kept on telling me 'You need to tell her!' but I couldn't bring myself to do it.I knew she could never fall for me,becouse she deserved the best.Someone who could always be there for her,someone who could give her everything.But that wasn't me,I was just her best friend.

'You are so gorgeus.'I taught for myself as I looked at her.

"What?"She asked turning around.

I blushed,the color of my cheeks now matching the color of my hair.

"N-nn-Nothing."I said looking back at the fields.

"As you say."she said,grining a little.

I looked away from her.I knew she was going to brake my heart but I still loved her.

Alexis' POV

Hearing Fred say I'm gorgeus made the butterflies in my stomach go wild.I looked away,trying to hide my blush.

"Hey,you two coming down to play?"Charlie yelled at us.

"Lets go bust their asses."I said flying sharply down.

I snuck up on Charlie and snatched the quiffle away.

"Ready to play,losers?"I asked as I played with the ball.

The twins flew to my sides,crosing their arms on their chests.

"You're so on,Potter."Bill said.

"You want to bet on that,Weasley?"I asked.

"Oh,why not.We are going to win either way."Charlie said,rolling his eyes playfully.

"If we win,you have to clean the house from top to bottom,same goes for us."I said rasing an eyebrow.

"You three are on."Bill said and I grined speeding past him and Charlie.

"Oi,no fair,we didn't say we were starting yet."Charlie yelled after Fred and I as George got to our goal posts.

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