Chapter Three

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Alright guys, clearly I have problems updating my stories a lot. I'm leaving for college in two weeks and I'm working and packing and life is busy. So just keep reading, voting and commenting and I will try my gosh darn hardest to update more! 

"Now this is what I call music!" I exclaimed as Damned if I do you by All Time Low started playing. I began dancing, swaying in time with the music while Gemma and Eve danced beside me. The concert had been ridiculous; seriously, horny teenagers are loud as hell I had no clue how the boys weren't deaf yet. Once we'd gotten to the club Hannah and her gang had flown onto the dance floor and were literally dancing with any boy they saw. Pathetic. The boys hadn't arrived yet as they had a signing or something after the concert, and I'd decided that I was going to enjoy life before Hannah decided to hit on Harry so hard his dick shot up into his body. I had to win that bet. Not because I had a serious wish to bang Harry Styles, but because I didn't want Hannah to have the satisfaction of banging Harry mother fucking Styles.

            "Oh my god, Emma, the boys are here!" Gemma squealed excitedly pointing to the door, where the lovely lads of One Direction had apparently just arrived. They were immediately surrounded by girls.

            "It's pathetic how people will just throw themselves at them, have they no respect?" I scoffed turning to Eve who nodded thoughtfully.

            "Most of them secretly hope they'll get pregnant so the boy will have to marry them and can't just bang em and go." She said seriously.

            "They need to find Jesus." I said, Gemma and Eve nodded before we returned to dancing opting not to fling ourselves boobs first at the boys. Harry had promised me a dance, and I wasn't going to seek him out to get it.

            Three songs had gone by when Harry suddenly popped up beside me and asked me to dance, much to the amazement of Gemma and Eve, I accepted. He lead me into the middle of the dance floor and pulled me close, we began moving to the music.

            "So, how was the concert?" He asked his breath tickling my ear.

            I shrugged, "It was ok, I mean the band was good but the singers definitely needed some work, all I could hear was screaming." He laughed and I seriously considered punching myself in the face as the urge to press our bodies uncomfortably close together rocketed through my body.

            "Well the fans didn't seem to enjoy it at all; I swear most of them were asleep anyways." He replied, I giggled.

            "I know I was." I winked at him once again getting lost in his eyes. Damn his eyes. He reached up and tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear. We both leaned towards each other at the same moment and our lips were about to touch when we were interrupted by a loud eruption of slut as Hannah "accidentally" rammed into us.

            "Oh my god! I am so sorry! I didn't see you guys there!" She said placing her hand on Harry's shoulder.

            "That's ok, Hannah," I said sweetly, "you were clearly really into the music, I mean your dance partner is all the way over there with another girl!"

            She laughed shortly, "Harry, honey bear, would you like to dance with me?" she batted her eyelashes and angled her boobs toward his face.

            "Well...  I was just dancing with Emma, perhaps next song." He said awkwardly.

            "Alright, babe, don't keep me waiting." She quickly pressed a wet kiss to his cheek before she disappeared into the crowd.

            "I think someone wants herself some dick tonight." I said rolling my eyes, he laughed.

            "She's alright; she's like most fans just more... daring." He pulled me close to him again, "Now, where were we?" he began leaning in again and against my better judgment I found myself closing the distance and pressing our lips together. I swear to god fireworks went off around us and I could hear thousands of tiny violins playing behind us.

            There was a loud bang and we pulled apart, I looked around trying to find the source of the noise. Everyone seemed to be confused, and then the screaming started. One after another people began screaming, backing away from something, Harry and I walked around people going towards the place most of the screaming seemed to originate from. I stepped past Monica who had tears streaming down her face when I saw him. Zayn was laying on the floor, a puddle of blood under his torso, and there was a note next to his body, one down, four to go. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2016 ⏰

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