BEFORE 01: Age 7

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I pulled my leggings up in the car ride home and readjusted my tutu. I kept shuffling in my seat until my dad finally spoke.
"You were so cute up there tonight, Becky." My dad glanced at me and smiled sympathetically.
"I messed up," I muttered and kicked the car mat beneath my feet.
"You didn't sweetheart." The car slowly came to a halt as we reached the house, I stared out the window and could almost see mums figure in the window although I knew it wasn't her. It couldn't possibly be. It was a coat she had left behind, it still hung up on the coat rack. I looked back to my dad who was smiling just enough to show off his dimple. Him being casual was just so dad, if mum were here she'd be gripping the steering wheel until her knuckles were white and saying how she'd yell at Jessica for putting me off. It's not like she meant to put me off but she stood in the wrong position and wouldn't move when I tried to tell her so my own placement was off and I bumped into another girl.
I huffed. It's not even like I liked dancing. The pink skirt was too small and pushed into places it shouldn't. My movements were too sloppy. I didn't have the right posture.
"Your mum will love your performance you know," dad said to try and cheer me up although it didn't work.
"Please don't tell mum," I begged.
"I told her I'd film it." He sighed at me, he looked drained and tired. He always looked drained and tired.
"Tell her it wasn't on tonight, make something up."
"I can't do that, she was really looking forward to today."
"But she didn't come," the words left my lips without a second thought.
"You know what works like, she couldn't get the day off."
"She never can..."
"It's not that easy."
"It never is."
"Becky, don't be like that," dad's voice was unusually stern.
"Stop, dad, she left us," I muttered and picked at the fabric of the seat.
"She never left."
"She doesn't even call anymore..." I continued.
"She's very busy."
Why does he always defend her? Who even leaves their child behind? I was only six...

"Becky, what are you doing?" My mum looked down at me as she saw me bounding into the room with a suitcase trailing behind me.
"I'm coming with you, mummy. I packed, look!" I smiled my sweetest smile and pulled the heaving suitcase in front of me.
"I can't take you, darling." She patted my head.
"Bu-but why not?"
"Because you've got to look after daddy," she said and tapped me on the nose. I wrinkled my nose and glanced up at my dad.
"I don't wanna, I wanna look after you!" I turned back to mum and gave her my puppy dog eyes.
"Please don't make this any harder than it already is." She sighed and pressed a finger to her temple. "Come on don't pout, I'll skype every night I promise!"
That made me smile a little bit more even though I didnt feel like smiling much.

"I love you both so much," she spoke as the taxi pulled up outside our house. She kissed my cheek.
"I love you too, mummy."
"Look after Becky for us, you know how little girls are often led astray." She turned to dad and laughed a little bit but in a pained way. I didn't realise that's was what the laugh held at the time but looking back the pain was clear.
"If you're so worried I'll mess up why don't you stay?" He folded his arms over his chest.
"We've been over this, I can't." Then she left.
Work had organised a ride for her to the train station where she would then go to London before finally departing to Australia for her new job.


I had expected her to come back and visit, like she promised many times over skype... but she didn't. Even the skype calls stopped after my seventh birthday.
I knew my parents were drifting apart, it still gets to my dad but I'm getting used to not having my mum here anymore. It's just dad and me and that's how it's going to be for a while.

AN: You voted and here it is!
This is just a quick chapter to introduce the characters a little bit, I hope you enjoyed it and I will upload the next asap.
Disclaimer: This is a transgender fic and I am NOT transgender so I apologise greatly if I mess something up. I do, however, have a best friend currently going through transition and he will be getting his T injection soon ^-^ I've seen him struggle with a few things and wanted to write this story for him (and all the other trans people out there) to show him that no matter who tries to bring him down there will always be people who love him.
- Rach x

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