After 21: My house is your house

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"Back already?" My mum greeted me as I walked through the front door. She was doing that thing where she feigns disinterest but is really waiting for her chance to pounce.
She's enjoying a glass of wine and from what I can hear Take me out is playing on the TV although I didn't bother to look at it.
"Yeah," I said in a neutral tone with a neutral facial expression, "Where's dad?"
I saw his car in the drive so he must be in somewhere.
"Walked to the shops," she told me and continued to stare at the TV. I was waiting for her to say something but it hadnt reached her tongue yet.
"To fill up on your alcohol addiction?" I asked sarcastically. There had never been a drop of alcohol in the house until she arrived, why does she need to drink anyway?
"It's not an addiction, it's a simple drink.  Loosen up," she sighed and glanced at me, "You're not wearing what I bought."
"Ah there it is," I mumbled to myself. I was waiting for her to revert back to our previous argument.  Even as a little kid she would constantly bring up my tantrums multiple times throughout the day.
"I already told you." I shrugged and dropped my bag on the floor. "I'm going to have at shower."
"Wait a second," she instructed me as I was just about to get away. I obliged, not because I had to but because I kind of wanted to hear what she had to say.  I was hoping she would apologise but that hope was short lived. "Why didn't you wear what I bought you?"
"Because I'm not ten and I'm not a girl," I laughed humourless and put my fists into my hair in aggravation.
"You were when I left. Why can't you just go back to being a girl!?" She was mad at this point. She slammed her glass onto the table which made red  swoosh out and spill onto the table top.

I clicked my tongue against the roof of my mouth and glared at her. She was shaking and her head was held high so her snooty nose was raised.
"Go to hell," I spat out.
I didn't even bother explaining to her anymore, I didn't care that she didn't understand because she doesn't care enough to try and understand everything I had been through or everything dad had been through since she had left us.
She stared at me shocked and I could hear her yelling through the walls as I left the room and rushed upstairs.  I couldn't stay any longer.

I held my phone between my shoulder and ear as I heard the dials tones.
"Pick up, pick up," I whispered as it kept ringing. I only had a limited number of people to call and I needed a friend more than ever.
"What's up my man?" The cheery voice rang through the speaker. I sniffed as I shoved a spare change of clothes into a backpack.
"Can I stay yours? Just for tonight?" I asked him. "I'm sorry I just have no where else I can-"
"-say no more! Mi casa is su casa," he told me instantly as I shoved my charger along into my backpack.

That's what I love about Chris, he helps anyone out and doesn't ask anymore questions than necessary. I knew that if he asked me any question whilst on the phone I would've started to choke up and wouldn't be able to speak so I was happy he didn't.
"Be there in five, I'll explain then," I told him. I felt as though I owed him an explanation for my sudden call.
"I'm sure you will, just let yourself in," he told me and I clicked the phone off. I held it in my fist for a second before I put it in my pocket and slung my backpack over my shoulder.

I tiptoed down the stairs and managed to walk out the front door without being spotted. I heard a male voice just before I left signalling dad was already home. Good, it meant I wouldn't bump into him on the way to Chris.
It was too cold outside and I wished I had brought my jacket but at least I had changed into my jeans before leaving dance. It made me feel a little warmer as I wondered down damp streets that looked unfamiliar before finally finding the right house.

I'm supposed to be revising for a sociology assessment right now oops
- Rach x

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