After 14: Snapchat

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"Dan!" I heard Chris shout about two minutes later.
"Dan?" PJ was standing just behind him but I barely paid attention as I stared down at my notebook, my knees were damp from where I was. PJ crouched down next to me whilst Chris picked up the book from the floor.
"This yours?" He asked me as I PJ help me to my feet, I grabbed the book off Chris. It was cold and wet. "Do you want to go home?"
"Please," I choked up.
"It's okay, Dan." PJ put his arms around my shoulder but I weakly pushed him off me.
"No!" I muttered and shut my eyes as I remembered what Alfie had said, the word he had called me. "No it's not! You know now, they all know."
"Know what?" PJ asked and shared a look with Chris before looking back at me.
"Yo-you didn't hear?" I stuttered with a slight tremble in my voice.
"How could we? We weren't even outside," Chris told me calmingly. He had no idea what I was talking about.
"Besides Alfie will say anything to get a reaction from us, whatever he said we're still here for you," PJ commented.
"Yeah, Dan, we'll always be here." Chris put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me in close.
"You guys are the best friends I could ever ask for," I breathed out and managed to crack a smile.
"We won't leave you alone again," PJ promised as he wrapped his own arm back around my shoulder.
"Dan Howell defense squad initiate!" Chris yelled out and pulled me in so close I felt the air knock out of me.
"Chris- I. Can't. Breath," I told him and he let go. "Thank you."
"First sorry and now thank you, how British actually are you?" Chris asked and ruffled my hair whilst I continued to breath in gulps of air.
"The most British," I replied finally.
"The most! Spot on my lad!" Chris yelled out again and put on the biggest smile on his face.
"How hard is it to be sad around Chris?" I muttered to myself.
"Nearly impossible," PJ told me.
"You know it! I won't let my little sunshine's be sad on my watch." Chris pinched my cheek.
"Chris you're so cringe," PJ laughed and pushed him off me.
"You love it really," Chris said and batted his eyelids at him.
"Unfortunately," PJ chuckled.
I couldn't do more than put a small smile on my face.
"I should really go home," I interrupted. I wanted nothing more than to escape the school building, I couldn't handle being in here once Chris and PJ left for their own lessons.
"We'll take you and tell them you've been sick," PJ said.
"Yeah, otherwise you'll be trapped in this hellhole forever!" Chris told me dramatically. I was sure he wasn't wrong there.


I lied to the receptionist and told her that my dad had parked down the road because there was a lot of traffic. She gave me a hard look but didn't push the subject thanks to a year 7 throwing up behind me and taking her attention away from me. She made me sign a book saying I was leaving and waved me away as she sorted out the boy.

My dad wasn't home when I got back in. I'm used to him not being back when I'm in, even when I finish at the right time, since he does a lot of overtime. It usually doesn't bother me but right now I really needed someone with me. Someone who would tell me everything would be okay.
I lay underneath all the blankets on my bed and started aimlessly watching YouTube videos. I didn't really take note about what I was watching, anything was better than the silent void of my house.

I never really liked being alone but nowadays that's all I ever seem to be. When you're alone your thoughts can take hold of you. When that happens I usually write in my notebook but that is no longer an option. Even if it did dry out it'd be too dirty and curled up to use. I'd have to buy a new one and I wasn't sure how much I wanted to after seeing what would happen if someone found it.

Instead I tried to focus my attention on other things. First it was the Internet, then it was cooking. I had gotten used to making my own food but today I had little energy so I just made myself some pasta using the tin sauces my dad bought in.

I settled back down into my blankets with my hot plate and breathed in the smell of tomato as I hit play on the video again. Not long after, I got a notification on my phone. I was shocked to see it wasn't a spam email or text from my dad. It was a snapchat!
I was nervous to open it, the name wasn't one I recognised but for a moment I hoped it was Chris or PJ. My name was an easy one to find since it was just Dan Howell, nothing too fancy like my other social media accounts.

I clicked open and immediately dropped my fork back into the pasta dish, hot pasta sauce splashed out and burnt through my blankets. I barely felt it as I continued to stare at the image for the remaining seconds before it faded.
I clicked on the button to replay it, just to make sure I hadn't seen it wrong but I hadn't. There was a boy, one of the populars, I could see Alfie in the background and a part of Phil's hair next to him... at least I thought it was Phils hair but I didn't look at it long enough.
The main image was of a wannabe popular boy. He was wearing a bra over his flat chest and cupping it up, he made a duck face to the camera. Underneath the picture were the words: "I'm you, Dani."
The photo disappeared again, I dropped my phone onto my lap and curled my fists into my blankets.

Moments later, I heard the doorbell ring and stood up so fast that the pasta bowl landed face down on the carpet. I cursed and stepped over it. The door bell rang again.
Have they found our where I live?
Are they here to terrorise me more?
My head was alive with these thoughts as I tiptoed down the stairs to see who was at the door.

Who do you think is behind the door?
- Rach x

Hi, my name is [Dan] - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now