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So here's my theory:

Katelyn = Menphia The Fury

Travis = Enki The Keeper

Laurance = Shad The Destroyer

Garroth = Kul'Zak The Keeper

Aaron = Esmund The Protectee

I'm not sure who Edmund the Protecter is for sure yet. We know it probably could not have been Aaron because all of the Divine Warriors had a special power, and Aaron couldn't see the Demon Warlock so obviously he is a mortal. There will probably be someone who pops up before the end. There always is. *cough cough* Travis Aaron Katelyn *cough cough* I'm sure there is someone by now for the person reading this because I just finished watching Episode 78 so. It literally cams out 1 hour ago.. Need proof? Look up at the pic. I found most of the names on the Aphmau wiki. There's an actual website if you search the divine warriors MCD. I think its . Just so you don't ask in the comments for the link. Been there done that. I literally only remembered besides Enki, Kul'Zak and Shad that there was another girl other than Aphmau.

Katelyn The Fire Fist

I even saw some things about the shadow lord in there. BRB gonna check again.... BACK! Also Katelyn The Fire Fist could be a descendant of Menphia The Fury. I mean Katelyn mine as well be named Katelyn The Fury. She got a lot of fury in her. So Garroth and Enki have a lot in common, like how the were like best friends to Irene/Aphmau but had feeling for them/her.

Garroth & Travis

I'm confused on whether Garroth is Enki or Travis is Enki. So basically it clearly states in the beginning of season 2 Travis is a descendant of Enki. But however Garroth most resembles Enki. Like confessing waaay too late. Like 9000 years and when your about to get stabbed. Garroth/Enki are like Aphmau/Irene's best friend. While in reality Garroth/Enki in in love with Aphmau/Irene. Garroth could be Kul'Zak because his region or where people worship him its called Gal'ruk. Garroth, Gal'ruk, similar right? Or maybe Travis and Garroth could be long lost cousins. Or maybe even brothers. I mean Garroth has 2 brothers. Why not 3? While Irene was in love with a fellow Divine Warrior it could've been Enki so that's another reason why I think it could be Garroth.


Laurance/Shad is pretty explanatory. So Shad could be the Shadow Lord. While Laurance is a Shadow Knight. They both apperantly went on a mad man rampage. Hint hint the wedding. I mean not that I blame Laurance for doing so. He was just a tad jealous. Who am I kidding he was steaming up about to explode. Since Irene was in love with a fellow Divine Warrior it could've been Shad. A theory of mine is Shad went crazy with all of his jealousy and love for Irene he couldn't wait any longer for a desicion so he went crazy thinking about it which lead him to believe he was not good enough for her, so he became immortal just to kill Enki for taking Irene. Although Enki confessed his love in a book that Aphmau later found. There is a chance she was in love with Edmund which could've been Aaron. But that also leads to my Garmau logic. But that's for another chapter. He could've been the Shadow Lord because apparently Irene holding hands with a being of power. That being could have either been Garroth/Enki or Laurance/Shad because one of them didn't like them being together. Its most likely Enki in the sculpture because Laurance gets real jealous real fast.


He could've been Edmund because Irene was in love with a fellow Divine Warrior. There is a chance Aphmau is in love with Aaron. It clearly states in the book that Aphmau read right before the wedding reception (or somewhere else I don't remember XD) it states that not all of the divine warriors had special powers, some were just very good in combat. Which Aaron is very good at.

That's all I have of them so far...
Well uh.


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