R.I.P. Aaron

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So I just watched episode 81... Aphmau is the first YouTuber to make me cry... Like I'm Garmau in all but its just.. So so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so SO SO sad!!! If you didn't see it its up there. So let's get on with the theory -->

Lol I feel like a beauty guru.. Now I feel like I'm in elephant princess. Its on Nexflix by the way. Its a good series.... I'm getting off topic!

So Aaron dies... They didn't find his body... My theory is that someone will find the body, tell Aphmau, and hold a funeral. You know how in a funeral there's this thing where its like an open casket where you can 'pay your respects', so like Aphmau will hug him and cry and bring him back to life.

I feel like my intro is longer
Than the actual theory

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