I didnt write here in 1 year and I'm sorry-theory for ES

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I'm really sorry I honestly thought MCD was over so whoops.

Either way Aaron is not dead, either I'm onto something or I'm in denial. Why would they kill him twice? Also wouldn't the ultima be harder to kill?

All these questions flooded into my mind last night when I watched the Emerald Secret episode.

Can't Lucinda do some poof poof magic back to normal?

Um what if they give him CPR while someone runs to get service/a car then hospital?

Could they keep him alive long enough doing CPR?

I'm sorry my mind is just kinda everywhere right now in the beggining she was right about the emotional thing I need a plushie. Anyone want to buy me it ?


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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2017 ⏰

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