Chap.3- Saturday night

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Saturday Night

I walked to the kitchen and made myself a hot chocolate. I took a sip feeling the warmth run through my body, instantly relaxing me. I decided to take a quick nap on the couch before Jess came over. As my head hit the pillow I instantly drifted off into a deep sleep.

A loud bang on the door woke me and I jumped out of bed my heart raced as I slowly took a step closer to the door. I remembered what mum said before she left: "...don't open the door to anyone”.

The wind blew loudly as a stood near the door. "w-who is it?" I shakily whispered.

"Uh, it's Jess" she shouted over the howl of the wind.

I sigh of relief ran through me as I threw the door open, and hugged Jess.

"You’re soaked!" I laughed.

Jess swept her long chestnut, brown hair out of her eyes, "well, it's pretty wet out there" she shivered

I gave Jess a towel and walked towards the lounge room as she went to the bathroom to dry herself off. I chose a DVD, but as I was putting the DVD in the player I heard a thump outside. I jumped in fright as my heart skipped a beat, it must be the possums.....I hoped.

I cautiously made my way towards the front door, my heart pounding in my chest. "H-hello, is anybody there?" I stuttered. Nobody answered. I reached out for the handle, twisting the knob slowly. Suddenly I was thrown backwards as a gush of ice cold air rushed past me whipping my hair over my face. Goosebumps began to rise on my arms as I stood up and slammed the door shut, panting as I leaned against it.

Something about that ice cold air scared me; it gave me Goosebumps and made me shiver.

I saw a shadow coming down the stairs. I stood frozen to the spot. “Uhh, Grace, are you alright?" asked Jess. I was filled with relief as I realized it was only Jess. I thought it was safer just to keep my stupid ‘encounter' to myself.

As we watched scary movie after scary movie Jess and I got more scared every second and we would jump at any sounds, the pipes in the roof, the wind howling outside.

Suddenly I heard a ‘Thump, thump, thump’ on the roof. Jess and I jumped in shock, panicking, all the images from the movies etched into our minds.

“W-what was that?!” Jess stuttered scared.

“I don’t know” I admitted”

The loud sound of a window breaking filled our ears as we looked each other in the eyes, I think we were both thinking the same thing. Run.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2012 ⏰

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