Chapter 1

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Doctor's *POV*

It's been seven months since I lost Rose. I'm falling apart. I can't bring myself to go to earth no matter when. Everything reminds me of her.

Her long blonde hair, the way she would sass me and I would touch her nose in a cute disapproving way. I miss her compassion. The way she could look through what I was, what I had done to try to see my good side.

She was the only thing keeping me from wiping myself out. She was the bad wolf. My bad wolf. She was my ray of sunshine when I was lost in the dark. She helped me out of the maze that was my life and back into the real world with real feelings.

I haven't left the TARDIS in two months. I'm constantly searching for any way to get her back. I'm lost without her and I need her.

Rose's *POV*

I can't eat, I can't sleep, I don't know what to do. I find myself talking to my family as if they are him. I sass them waiting for a touch on my nose. But it never comes, I never hear that Famous Allons-y anymore.

He was my everything. He was my world, no wait he wasn't my world he was so much more, he was my universe, my galaxy, my everything. Together forever through time and space. That's what I wanted. That's what I thought it would be. I'm stupid to think that.

Why couldn't I have just stayed put and not reached for that lever. I ask myself this every day. The same sentence repeats in my head everyday "I guess if this is the last time I can say it, Rose Tyler I-" I will never be able to hear those words. The words I have longed for him to tell me since the day I meet him.

That morning I went to work thinking it was a normal day when in reality it was to be the best day of my life. I meet the most wonderful being in all of time and space.

I have to find a way to get back to him. I just have to, Torchwood should be able to help me. If not I will find a way and I won't stop till I do.

Doctor's *POV*

Rose, Rose, Rose that's all I can think about. I can't save the universe from Cybermen or Daleks when I lost her. I let her go. I almost got her killed. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if that was the case.

*Three hours later*

Ugh, where am I? I try to stand up but fall down almost immediately. My whole body is weak and aching. My heartbeats are pounding in my ears.

"Hey, hey you get up!" A soldier is standing over me with a gun pointed right at my face. Oh how I hate guns. I stand up and he takes my hands and handcuffs them behind my back. "Let's go!" He pushes me very roughly with his gun down the hallway.

"Ah hello Doctor we've been looking for you for a long time." A man with a long trench coat similar to mine sends me a glare as I pass him and keep going down the hall. "What do you want with me? Why am I here? How did you get into the TARDIS?"

"Why don't you just shut up and enjoy this wonderful view okay?" The man with the gun snaps at me even though we are walking through a set of bare white walls. No air vents, no windows, nothing just walls, floor, and a ceiling.

We enter through these large white doors. On the other side is a room that looks like any ordinary hotel room. Well what I can remember about them. Two chairs are in the middle of the room back to back. I'm seated in the one facing the wall. The guy takes the handcuffs off but then grabs a rope and ties me to the chair with my hands behind it.

My time without you (Ten/Rose)Where stories live. Discover now