Shopping part 2

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I opened the bathroom stall door and saw...

A girl tied to the toilet with duct tape on her mouth. She had puffy ,red eyes from crying and bruises on her face. She started squirming once I tried to untie her. Once I untied her and slowly ripped the duct tape from her mouth she tackled me in a hug while sniffling. She looked up at me and started crying again.

"Are you ok?What happened?" I said

"H-he tried to k-kill me " she said her voice crackling and her hands shaking she looked about ....12 .

"What's your name ?"

"Briana" she coughed

"Ok well do you know where your parents are?"

"He k-kidnapped me at the carnival."

"Then why would he bring you here?" I asked slightly confused.

She shrugged.

"Ok let's get you cleaned up then ill call the police." she sniffled then went to the sink of the bathroom and washed her face.

I still need to use the bathroom though. I quickly run into another stall and do my business . once I'm finished I open the stall door and wash my hands. Briana still had bruises on her face but she looked better .

"Lets go" I say after drying my hands.

We both walk out if the bathroom catching some stares but I rubbed it off. I saw a cop in the corner next to the escalators so I lead Briana to the cop.

"Excuse me , I found this girl tied up in the bathroom and she has said someone tried to kill her." the man looks down at her and studies her cuts and bruises.

" Do you know how he looks honey?" the cop asked

"No but I think he has dirty blonde hair." she said

The cop grabbed his walk-e talk-e and said some code words to signal there was an abused child.

"Ok let me just take her to the office you could go but We might need your number just in case."

"Ok " I gave him my number and he wrote it down in his notepad. I waved goodbye to Briana and walked off. My phone started ringing in my pocket and I grabbed it out and checked to see who it is. It was Eleanor.

"Hello "

"Ok I'm pretty sure it doesn't take that long to use the bathroom."

"I'll explain later , where are you guys?"

"Same Place you left"

"Ok I'll be right there"

"K bye " I hung up and walked back to the jewelry booth. "Did you buy anything ?" I asked Eleanor

"No they're too expensive "

I nodded and turned around and saw Louis wink at me. I smiled and let Eleanor walk in front of me.

Louis revealed a Bag from behind him and took out a case , he opened a small black case that had a beautiful silver necklace . My heart melted at the sight of it.

"Aw Louis she's gonna love it" I said . he smiled and put the case back in the bag .

"So what took you so long ? I know girls take long to use the bathroom but not THAT long." He laughed .

"Well ,I found a girl tied up in one of the stalls but its all fine now I brought her to a Mall cop."

"Oh well that's ...weird . who would toe a girl to a stall?" he said and I smiled.

Suddenly my phone starts vibrating in the back of my pocket. I pull it out and click the answer button.


"Hey Sophia do you remember Lilian?" Sandy's voice rings through my ears.

"Yes " Lilian was one of my ....acquaintances in high school she was one of those girls that love having parties ,where all you do is stay up all night and get drunk and do...stuff.

"Well she's having a birthday party in 2 days and she really wants you to come ." Sandy knows I'm not to fond of her because she's always is with a different boy every time I see her.


"Ya I know but only this once I heard Dillan is gonna be there. And she said you an bring some friends so you could bring Elounor ." Dillan was her major crush in high school she literally couldn't get over him she has fallen so hard for him.p

"Fine" I'm only doing this for her. I know it's just a party but it's LILIAN'S party and I despise her. And nothing can change that .

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