At The Hospital

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Sophia's POV :

Me and Mrs.Garcia ( the lady) have been at the hospital for 20 minutes and we're waiting for Eleanor ,Louis and Sandy to come. The doctor gave me an x-ray a couple of minutes ago, and will come back with my results as soon as Louis , Eleanor and Sandy come.

"I'm going to wait in the hallway for your friends to come , do you need any thing?" Mrs.Garcia said

"No thank you , I'm good ." I smiled at her . She walked out and closed the door.

I tried moving my ankle to see if it was bad , but it hurt too much. But that was the least of my worries . Before the doctor took my x-ray he told me I lost 3 pints of blood and I will be passing out a lot , until they can find someone to donate .

Then I hear someone knock on the door.

"Come in"

Mes.Garcia opens the door and then I see a worried sandy walking toward me.

"Are you ok??What happened ?? Answer me before I go crazy!" Sandy looked at me and then at my ankle.

"It's ok sandy I'm fine I just twisted my ankle a bit and lost a couple pints of blood." I said calmly . I tried to make it seem like everything was alright but .....doesn't look like I did a good job.

"Oh . My. God. " she said putting her hands on her face . Then I see Eleanor ,Louis ,Liam ,Niall ,Harry and Zayn walk in the room and suddenly I feel claustrophobic .

Eleanor looks at me and looks like she was gonna blow , do I gestured for her to come closer , and when she did I gave her a hug.

" don't worry I'm fine "

She let go of me and shook her head.

"We just spoke with your doctor and they said that when the man shot you ,he fractured your kidney so your gonna have to do a surgery"

"What?!?!" I heard sandy yell.

" about I take you to the bathroom to wash up ,yeah?" Mrs.Garcia led Sandy out of the room .

"I think I'll go with them"Eleanor suggested sniffing.

That's when it became awkward . But Liam decided to break the silence .

"I only have one kidney so you don't have to feel lonely." He said with a half smile.

I gave him a hug and he went to go get me some water with Zayn.

Harry and Niall were silent and staring at the ground, while I told Louis everything that happened.

After I told Louis everything Niall stood up and surprised me with a hug and kiss on the forehead . "Your a very strong girl , Sophia." I heard him say something else but couldn't make out what it was. But I shrugged it off. When Niall sat back down , harry glared at Niall , which really confused me but, whatever .

Then a nurse walked in and said " Your surgery will be tomarrow at 4:00., there will be no visitors between 3:00-6:30 . Any questions?" She looked around and then left when she saw no one had any questions .

Hope you enjoyed it!❤💛💚💙💜




Love ya!!:)xx


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