violent chemistry

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It started off as such an ethereal violent chemistry between them. They refused to take a breath until they used up all the energy present amidst this vigor, all the love, that maybe they forgot that if they didn't slow down and take a moment to decipher everything, it'll all die out so soon, but they'd be in too deep to want to let it all crash into nothingness.

So that's where it all started, right and wrong decisions.

Wrong when they dismissed their painfully evident differences and focused solely on the rush that surged through them whenever they touched or were within each other's proximity. They never felt something so mystical, and they were not about to let it go for some mismatches.

Right when they gave each other a chance after one too many failed relationships and broken hearts because this might have been their only chance at happiness in life.

Wrong when they assumed that these mismatches weren't significant. When they thought that because they're happy and in love that they could tolerate some discrepancies between them that were not that insignificant.

Right when they did not run away from the feeling they knew they would exclusively experience only once in their life, and when they went along with whatever this was just because they knew they had nothing left to lose.

Harry always needed to take a break and breathe in freedom every once in a while so he wouldn't feel suffocated, while Niall was the kind of person who needed his boyfriend around him at all times, having developed anxiety issues because of his less than pleasant past experiences.

Harry's idea of an ideal date consisted of pizza and a movie, while Niall wanted the whole chauffeur et glitzy bouquet of red roses featuring the fancy restaurant and the costly dinner, and that inevitably caused unmet expectations which left one of them frustrated at some points but still in love.

Love wasn't always enough though.

Both compromised, yet they were not close to being satisfied. And what is a relationship without at least minimal satisfaction?

So when the 'I love him though' mantra started losing its strength, that is when they both pulled back simultaneously to reevaluate their decisions and situation.

It was safe to say that they were so used to the feeling of being in love with each other that they could not imagine any other antonymous emotion being shared between the both of them. The thought pierced at their hearts unpleasantly.

When their feelings towards one another couldn't hold up anymore, things started to shatter painfully slowly.

They both loudly expressed their distaste about anything and everything the other did in the harshest ways possible. Even the tiny flaws that are tolerable were censured as an aftermath of putting up with the more prominent ones.

It deeply saddened them once they realized that they were destroying one another in a pathetic attempt to fix them.

Their relationship became like some sort of drug that is not good for them, yet they still couldn't quit it because the illicit high it provided every once in a while was everything they could ask for. What kept them going was their addiction to old memories. They put the shared smiles and midnight talks in the foremost of their minds so they would not forget how all of this started - why it all started. They reminisced all their careless outings, the stunts they pulled together, and how it felt to be overwhelmed by love and completeness just to keep it all from dissipating into a memory.

But just like a violent chemistry, they eventually died out.


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