idk man i just need to rant

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So no one probably fucking reads his or gives a flying fuck about how I feel but I'm literally so stressed and anxious. I have been for the past like few days it sucks ass. I have like this constant nauseous feeling and feeling like everyone hates me or like I fucked something up but like ... idk. I go back to school hella soon and just that alone makes me wanna cry and vomit. And shits changing in my family life, idk when the next time I'll be able to see or talk to my best friend (or if she wants to see me even yikes) and I'm just a mess and idk wtf to do. And I just wanna fucking break down and cry. I lowkey wanna fucking die cus I have like no real friends. The one person I trust, I can't see. I feel like I disappoint and upset my mom. Even my fucking sister lowkey hates me and TBH why wouldn't she like I high key hate myself. ANYWAYS idk I just needed to rant this shit cus I hate myself and my life rn and idk what to do anyways peace I'll probably go fuck something else up ✌🏾️

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