Fanfictions that make you want to vomit

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(If you're part of Phandom, I'm sorry in advance.If you don't know what" hat fic" is then for your own stable mental health please don't read any further, I'm serious! )

Have you ever just found yourself scrolling on tumblr, wattpad, deviantart or on archiveofyourown and suddenly things start to get shady? The writings get weirder and weirder, I'm not talking about plot holes or unicorn AU's, I'm talking about pure creativity from the depths of hell. The sort of writing where the word "moist" doesn't even make you cringe because the rest of the writing is just as awful as. Some of you might have heard about "The hat fic" some of you might have also read it. If you have, then I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for you.
An annoying part of human nature is being curious. Think about young children, if you tell them not to do something then you can be sure as hell that they'll probably do it. So one day I was minding my own business on Instagram when I saw that a friend of mine posted a picture with the caption: " Never read "the hat fic" it's been almost 2 hours and I'm still feeling like throwing up." My deskmate is a bigger stalker than I am so she had already made the mistake and had read it earlier that morning despite the warnings. I must mention that she looked very pale.

Living in the world with clouds made of marshmallows and the scariest thing being the loss of internet connection I then decided to find out what all the fuss was about. There were quite a few comments under that picture agreeing that reading this fic will most certainly traumatize you. Obviously I thought that I'll have to read it. The bad side was that I was at school. It wouldn't have been the first time reading fics in classes so I decided to find the hat fic and read it. That was one of the worst decisions of my life. I'm not even slightly kidding. I started reading it and for the first few lines everything seemed normal, as in fanfic sort of normal. And then shit started going down in the speed of light. My brain was basically screaming at me to " abort the mission, I repeat abort the mission," but as I said humans are curious. So after putting down my phone for about 100 times and also almost puking I had finished part 1. Just when I had thought that this can't get any worse, my deskmate told me that there are 2 more parts and if I remember correctly then she was already reading the next one. It wasn't about human nature anymore, it was about faith in humanity. Neither of us could believe that whoever the hell wrote that thing was serious. We were both hoping that the next chapter starts with the line " Dan woke up from a tremendously freaky dream," but it didn't. It got even worse, much freaking worse. Needless to say by the end of the school day we had read all three parts.

Dear people who also sometimes write fanfics, don't do stuff like this. I'm serious. If the person who wrote this fic was not on drugs, very very sick or extremely drunk then I am very concerned about you. Yes I know that it's fiction ( thank god) but please don't publish something so traumatizing on the internet. I know that it was my fault too, after all I was the one who decided to read it.
Needless to say later on that day I had no appetite and when I entered the school's canteen I thought I was going to pass out right there on the spot. The dessert of the day was milk kissel with strawberry jam. I guess you can imagine what went through my mind when I saw it.
It has been quite a few months now and I've kind of been trying to forget about this awful writing. Also I'm not part of Phandom so that's good.( I mean that it didn't affect as bad as it would affect some serious fans).
Now back to today, I understand that there are all sorts of freaky people out there who have all kind of weird kinks ( including chopping animals into pieces) and they feel the need to get them out of themselves (not to act it out I truly truly hope) so they decide to write a fanfic. OK, yes the writing is sick but at least when you happen to read it, it only includes 2 or more people who are not you. So the other day I was reading on archiveofyourown when I came across this imagine, the main plot was that( not gonna mention the fandom tho) the reader gets raped like bloody 100 times and then she gets almost killed and then she passes out and then she gets raped some more. I don't know if it got even worse because this time I actually stopped myself and closed that freaky imagine.
Excuse me but why would you write something like that? And why in an imagine form? As I said, yes people have very weird kinks, I mean who would have known that half of the world would be interested in reading a pornographic sado-maso novel " Fifty shades of Grey" but it was. What I'm trying to explain here is that, if you feel like writings like that are your cup of tea then please don't at least publish them, your tastes may be very singular. Don't kill me because I decided to quote 50 shades of grey (yes I'm also guilty of reading the first 2 books because I wanted to know once again what the fuss was about) but let's face it this rant just needed this quote.
Also people who come across these writings, just listen to your brain and abort the damn mission before it's too late.


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