List of stuff I hate

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So here's the list :

1) Donald J. Trump

2)People who mistreat their pets


200) Minions


202) Idiots with high self-esteem

203) Shameless people who always ask for your help

204) People who make fun of other people in a MEAN way

At first I named this chapter " List of people I hate" and thought that this was going to be a hell of a long list but when I had written the first name it suddenly occurred to me that these other people, that I wanted to add to this list are quite nice when considered with Trumpster. So I changed the name of the chapter and added some more stuff that are clearly escaped from hell. I bet Lucifer misses them.

I'm not even going to start ranting about Trumpster because we all know where this will end and I guess that social media has seen quite a lot of rants about him lately. So I'm starting from "People who mistreat their pets". Firstly FUCK YOU! Secondly HOW DARE YOU? If you or your partner or your family member comes home with an animal then you have to respect it, I'm not telling that you have to love she/he with all your heart but come on respect the animal. Yes, I agree that people who randomly come home with a pet without consulting with other people, who now have to live with this animal are also huge dicks. I'm very passionate when it comes to animals, and if I say passionate then I mean that I will most likely brake your neck when I see you hurting an animal( especially dog).

I couldn't bring myself to put Minions into 3rd place, it's not that I don't hate them, it's just that I hate the first two too much. I'm deeply disgusted every time I see a minion, what are these things?!?!?! I didn't hate them when they started getting popular, it was around 2010 I think. You know what? I even found them a bit funny. Things got out of hand in the end of 2014 or beginning of 2015, when the Minion movie was approaching. Absolutely every product suddenly had minions on them, starting from candies and ending with window cleaners. That's insane! I can't go out on the street without seeing a kid/teen/grown-up with a shirt/hat/etc that has a minion on it. Also, Facebook is taken over by them. Everyone seems to be sharing inspirational quotes with minions on them. Ew. They're everywhere!!! I couldn't care less if it would be just the fact that people are big fans of something, no, this is some sort psychosis. It would be lovely to see tons of kids running around wearing Superhero/Jurassic Park/Alien/*insert whatever princess* merch, it would have a point. For example superheros usually stand for justice, Jurassic Park/World is about how stupid humans are and how cool dinosaurs are. Minions on the other hand worship the evil and do nothing but talk nonsense and steal stuff, how great is that?

What next? Let's move on to food- tomatoes. Do I need to explain myself? Tomatoes are hypocrites, they look good and that makes you want to eat them but once you bite them there's no way back. The liquid part starts running down your chin and the taste makes you want to vomit. Also they smell funny, like grass and soap. If I'd have to choose if I eat 20 tomatoes or get an electric shock, I would 100% choose the electric shock.

The last 3 are very much alike each other. As you might have already understood I don't like humans that much, there are just so many not so trustworthy people out there, there are idiots that shouldn't be let out of their homes because they might accidentally lower the IQ of the whole street when they happen to walk there ( ayyyyyy that reference). Let me get one thing straight, grades in school doesn't make one a genius or an idiot, yes obviously it does show something but not if you're dumb or not. There are just some people who catch you off guard with something so idiotic that you need to start reconcidering your life choices that have brought this idiot into your life. The funny thing is that these people have (usually) a huge ego or very high self-esteem. It makes them even more unbearabel. Now when people have high self-esteem or are just very self centered they seem to be very straightforward when they want something. They also think that it's absolutely normal to ask you to do something, it can be something small, like "give me the book from the shelf" or something bigger like " I need to go to this place and tell someone something, can you do that for me?". Rudeness level intensifies. Seriously, for example I'm that sort of a person who can't say no to small things easily, it just makes me feel bad or I'm afraid that I'll somehow make the situation weird if I'd say "no". That doesn't apply to close friends of course, that's a whole other topic.

The last point also applies to me in a way. My social skills are rusty and the things I find funny are weird, meaning that the jokes I make are also weird. There have been more than one situation where people don't understand that I'm joking or being sarcastic and therefore they feel hurt. I know that I suck but I'm not ranting about myself right now, I mean "Mean Girls" sort of people who generally feel good and powerful when they can hurt other person's feelings, I bet we all know at least a few people like that- we all can agree that they suck.

Actually of course there are more stuff that I hate but I either didn't want to talk about them or they didn't seem as important as or I just forgot about them. I never meant to make fun of someone or make someone feel bad, this is just the way I see things and if you see things differently then I guess we are just different. I might be a bit overdramatic but I'm so not sorry.

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