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If you aren't following Seawaternymph then you need to go follow them right now! Done? Ok. And sorry that this is so super short. This was also requested by Seawaternymph
You and Leo were sitting in bunker 9 while Leo spun his hammer around. It happened so fast so I'll describe it best I can. The hammer flew out of his hand straight for your head so you jumped out of your chair and avoided the hammer but hit your head on a table. You saw Leo looking down on you before the black spots covered your vision.
You woke up in the infirmary and saw Will talking to Percy. "She's lucky she just got a small blow to the head." You sat up and Percy ran over and gave you a hug. "I thought you were done for." He mumbled into your hair. "Can't get rid of me that easily." You reminded him. "You can't date Leo anymore."
"What?!" You yelled pushing him off of you. "You may be a year older but your not the boss of me!" You said crossing your arms.
"He almost killed you!"
"But he didn't!"
"But he could have!"
"But he didn't! What kind of brother are you?! Don't you want me to be happy?!" You stormed out the room and into your cabin. You packed up all of your stuff and ran to bunker 9. You knocked on the door and Leo opened it. "My gods! Y/n I am so sorry! Are you alright?" He gushed looking at your head. "Leo I'm fine but, could I stay here
for a while?"
I hate being one of the authors to do this but, I'm letting you imagine the rest. *Hides in dark corner of shame* But if you want I'll make a part 2.

"Leo I'm fine but, could I stay here for a while?"
"What, why?" He asked and you sighed. "Percy wants me to break up with you." You said. You broke into sobs. Leo pulled you into a warm hug. "I'm s-sorry." You said sitting on the coach. Leo sat next to you and you cried yourself to sleep on his shoulder.
A few weeks later
Everyone watched as the two most stubborn people at camp played chicken. Finally Annabeth couldn't take it anymore and she made you both come to her cabin. "Y/n! Percy was only doing what he thought was best because he loves you! And Seaweed Brain, you can't manipulate people lives so you can watch them your whole life! Now hug and make up!" You gave Percy a hug. "I'm sorry." He whispered in your ear. "You should be, I had to suffer Leo's horrendous pickup lines." He laughed and you both walked to get your stuff from bunker 9.

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