Your Birthday

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F/F=favorite flavor
You were really excited to wake up because it was your birthday and Leo always scared you when you woke up and spent the whole day with you. You woke up and you expected to find Leo in the cabin but he wasn't there. You walked to the Apollo cabin and woke up Will's deaf, half sister Kenzie by softly shaking her. She yawned and looked at you. Good morning. She signed. What time is it? Kenzie asked. Around seven-thirty. Breakfast is at eight. You signed back. Ok, let me get up. She climbed out of bed and went to change out of her donut pajamas. Is this ok? She asked showing you a camp half blood shirt, jeans, and a camouflage jacket. Fine. She went tithe bathroom to change as you grabbed your camp shirt and some shorts. You changed and some of her siblings started to wake up. Austin and Kayla laughing and Kenzie looked at you for an explanation since she didn't have a chance to read his lips. He said something stupid about cheese puffs. You signed. What? You sighed. C-H-E-E-S-E P-U-F-F-S. You spelled. You motioned for her to come on so you could get to the mess hall. You were a little upset that none of her siblings said happy birthday be a use you were all really close. Happy birthday by the way. Kenzie signed. Are you reading my mind? You asked and Kenzie smiled. Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. She answered. Leo ran up to you both. "Hey guys." Leo said and Kenzie waved. You knew she had a crush on his brother Shane and you always teased her about it. Hey, you think his brother is coming? You teased and Kenzie blushed. Leo gave a glance between the two of you before you all continued to walk. You sat down with Kenzie (you can sit with her and vise versa because you know sign language) and she frantically began to sign. Why did you mention my crush. He probably doesn't like me back. I would never know anyway. You were barely able to keep up. You need to slow down. You signed calmly and she nodded. Does Shane even know sign language? She signed. I don't know, be right back. You walked over tot he Hephaestus table and tapped Shane. "Hey y/n. What's up?" He asked. "Do you know sign language?" You asked and he nodded. "I mean I don't know curses or anything but I could hold up a conversation." He told you. "Alright. Thanks!" You yelled running back to the table. He said he can hold up a conversation. You told Kenzie with a smug smile. She signed some very colorful language that I would prefer not to repeat but finally she gave in. Fine, I'll hang out with him tomorrow. Kenzie started to eat and you followed her example. Suddenly she pulled something from under her chair. It was a nice bag that said New York. It's your birthday present so don't expect anything else.
The entire day you got sadder and sadder because Leo didn't hang out with you. He completely forgot your birthday. You were sitting on the beach by your self when someone tapped your shoulder. You look up and saw Percy. "Sup bro." You said wondering if he forgot your birthday too. "Can you come with me?" He asked with an emotionless expression. "Sure..." You got up and he covered your eyes and led you to the woods. "If you lead me into another one of the Stolls traps Percy." You warned. "It was hilarious." He stated. "Because I was half asleep and you hung me upside down from a tree." You reminded. "Yeah, well, I can assure you this isn't a trap." He promised. "That means so little coming from you." You joked. "You make me feel so special." Percy stopped and nothing happened. Suddenly lots of people yelled surprise. You jumped but Percy was still covering your eyes. "Seaweed brain, move your hands. You're still covering her face." You heard Annabeth say and Percy removed his hands. You saw all your friends gathered around and there was a table with F/F cake. You smiled so wide it hurt your mouth. You hung out for a while and every once in a while someone would grab a slice of cake. You were talking to Frank when someone grabbed your waist from behind. "Sorry I've barely seen you today. I was baking the cake." He apologized. "It's ok. But I was having a conversation with Frank and it was very rude to interrupt us." You could practically hear Leo rolling his eyes. "Sorry Frank." Leo said and Frank smirked. You turned around and jumped. "Why is your hair orange?" You asked. "Neon spray, glows in the dark. The Stolls got you too." He showed you a strand of your hair and it was pink. You grabbed a slice of cake and Leo followed you. You threw it and hit Travis on the back of the head. Travis looked at you and Leo. He threw another slice back but you ducked and it hit Katie. Travis blushed as Katie grabbed a piece and smushed it all over his face. Then Percy decide to throw a piece of cake at you. "You're gonna regret that Aqua Man." You said with a mischievous smile. You hit him smack dab in the nose with another slice. You heard Nico laugh and ran over with a slice of cake. You snuck up behind him and dropped it in his hair. He turned around and you ran away just in time for some skeletons to start chasing you.
The next morning (after the whole camp was out of hot water) you heard Nico yell. "Really L/N?!" As he went to find dry clothes.

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