Chapter 2

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Y/n P.O.V. 

What I found when I got home was so damn weird! So normally I have to fill the water tank manually but when I got home it was entirely full....when I left it was nearly empty....... I dumped the pail in the tank and went inside quickly. I grab a bat which is the best weapon I have and move it to where I could easily swing on anyone I saw because more food and money is one thing but a whole bunch of water....thats just plain creepy. When I get inside I'm very cautious. 

I look around and see ALL of my living room furniture is rearranged into a more comfortable position. There's even random red and purple roses in vases everywhere,  I nearly scream and hold more tightly to my bat. What the hell?!? I walk into the kitchen. I look around and see new running appliances as well as some more roses. I walk to the fridge and see LOTS of amazing delicious food. I almost wanted to stop and have a feast but I remembered that this food just appeared here. I look in the cabinets and find its filled with all kinds of junk food and shit!! I don't know if I should eat it or not though. 

I go upstairs and see the rest of the house has been pretty much untouched except for the occasional red and purple flower. I'm so confused....who did this? Did someone even do this? Am I hallucinating? I decide not to think too much about it cause whoever did this seems to be gone now. It was getting late and I've spent way too much time thinking on this. So I grab something out of the food I bought to eat and head  to bed. This is where I find that I also have new sheets. 

After thoroughly checking the sheets I find there seems to be no danger and get dressed. I'm about to get into bed when I notice a note that I could've sworn wasn't there before. I pick it up and read it:

Dear Human Girl

I hope you like your new things. Don't worry I didn't poison your food I swear. As well as everything else I gave you is perfectly safe. So you may sleep calmly on that matter. Now sleep well. I did this because I felt it was right to do. I also added my own touch of roses in case you haven't noticed. Don't worry I'm not going to stalk you or anything I'm just going to check up on you every once in awhile. If you would like to meet then come to the nearest swamp. Wander long enough and I'll find you I'm sure. But if you don't trust this then no one is forcing you to come. 

Sincerely, A Magical Friend

Next to it was a purple and red rose. That's different...I wonder whether or not to go for a few minutes before deciding to decide tomorrow. I lay down and try to go to sleep. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skipey Skip Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I wake up slowly. I look around and see the room was the same as I left it last night. I pick up the rose and put it in a nearby vase. I then walk downstairs and grab a bowl of cereal. I think about whether or not to go to this guys house. I mean... I guess I have to thank him right? but what if its a trap? That would suck. I thoughtfuly eat my cereal. Hmm...Maybe I should ask for Derek's opinion on this...He is the closes thing I have to a friend so....I decide I'll go talk to Derek about it.....Tomorrow....right now? I'm gonna beinge for a bit. Why? Because I fricking wanna!! So I cook some ramen and turn on the TV and start flicking through the channels. I eventually find a show I like and watch it whilst eating my ramen. Best. Day. Ever.

Hey guys!! I finally updated!! Whoop Whoop!! Yay!! Anyways um....Comment your thoughts! Vote if you liked and follow me for more? idefk anymore. uhhh. hehe. waffles?  And til next time seee ya later my COLORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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