Chapter 1

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It was a nice, quiet day so far. The pitter-patter of rain was the only audible sound of the outside world. It was a normal day in April for the shy Canadian tending to his bookstore. Not many people came into his little shop, and Matthew Williams didn't think today would be any different, with little to no people going out on that rainy day. So, he searched his shelves for a random book and found he had Grimm's Fairy Tales in his hands. Shrugging his shoulders he began to read about fairy tale adventures and the unnatural.  

Matthew was a tall well-built 22 year old, with wavy chin-length honey-blonde hair and eyes the uncommon shade of violet. He wore wire rimmed glasses and today he was dressed in a simple red maple-leaf hoodie and jeans. He also had one curl that stuck out of his hair and bounced in his face. What others didn't know about Matthew from their first glance, was that he was strong enough to bench-press a house (not that he ever found occasion to try).

Matthew loved his job at the small book store, as he could make his own hours (him being the owner and all) and was surrounded by wonderful books all day. He liked his job for other numerous reasons too, like not having to talk to many people, as he was wasn't noticed often or forgot about completely. This little bit of normality in his life was what Matthew Williams wished for everyday before he'd close shop and have to head home to his next responsibility.

Matthew Williams wasn't just any 22 year old, at a young age he was placed in a household full of criminals and drug dealers, he learned how to kill a person with one well placed punch and how to smuggle anything anywhere. Now, his broken family would be proud of him, as he was living a normal life, while also being one of the most feared and wanted criminals there were. He could quiet a crowd of people with just a turn of his head when he was dealing with business. Matthew was well known and very much unforgotten in his "business" after the book store closes.

~~~~Time Skip brought to you by the yet-to-be-introduced Awesomeness~~~~

Finally, the rain had stopped and the sun was out like nothing had ever happened, the days previous events were all dried up by the sun. As the time ticked on towards the end of the day Matthew felt a lump in his stomach, for he was not looking forward to his meeting later that day. Today he had to take up business with an extremely rowdy client of his, then it was off to see the men that worked for him and settle any disruptions of the day's work. This was a routine that Matthew enjoyed, for he took comfort in the idea of having a schedule to follow.

5 more minutes, Matthew thought, Just 5 more minutes, then we have to leave normality behind. Matthew had started to prepare his shop for closing when he noticed a black sports car slowly creep its way along the road, as if the driver didn't know where they were going. As the car crept closer Matthew noticed that it was a black Audi with 2 red strips going down the middle and tinted windows.

Oh, no, Matthew thought, he of course recognized this car as one of his brother's and as it was getting nearer he saw the licence plate of HERO and knew instantly that it was his brother.

I guess he wanted to see me earlier than planned, Matthew thought and with a sigh finished closing the shop for the night. As he was stepping outside about to lock the doors he could hear the engine of the car being turned off and the door opening. Matthew turned around and was met with the smiling face of his twin brother, Alfred F. Jones.

Alfred was the older of the two and took it upon himself to be Matthew's hero, even though he sometimes forgot about him. Alfred had short hair a shade darker than Matthew's with a cowlick that defied gravity. He had sky blue eyes and was well-built (he could also bench press a house and has found occasion to test this theory). Alfred was shorter than Matthew and was tanned where Matthew was pale, he wore wire rimmed glasses and was addicted to fast food, in fact Matthew could see he had stopped at his beloved McDonald's before coming. Today, Alfred decided to wear his ever present bomber-jacket with some band shirt Matthew didn't recognize. underneath, sporting black jeans and combat boots.

"Hey little bro, how're you doing?" The American asked not giving any acknowledgement to the glare he received from his brother.

"What are you doing here, Al?" Matthew asked in his quiet voice trying to sound threatening while remaining polite as he had an image to keep if he wanted to stay in this neighbourhood.

"What, can't I come over and see my little bro?" Alfred asked with a very fake hurt expression on his face.

Matthew sighed, "No Al, it's not like that. I mean what are you doing here, as in this place. We have a meeting scheduled for later and-- "Matthew shift closer, looked around him for anyone who might hear him and said more quietly-- "you're not supposed to be outside during the day, you could get caught." As popular as Matthew was, Alfred was well known and wanted too, but he was the one who had his face known to the world and could be reported if he were recognized by anyone, bringing Matthew down with him.

"Don't worry so much, Mattie. The HERO will save you from anyone who tries to lay a finger on yo--"

"Alfred! Don't yell so loud." Matthew cut off his brother by placing his hand on his mouth.

Taking his brother's hand off of his mouth Alfred said, "Sorry, dude! I guess I forgot!" Alfred laughed his loud laugh and was shushed into silence by his brother.

"Now, are you going to tell me why you risked being reported to come here?" Matthew questioned as Alfred tried to remember his purpose in taking a trip to Matthew's normal part of his life.

"Oh, that's right! I remember now!" Alfred hurried to the drivers side door opened it and dug around to find the package from his boss addressed directly to Matthew. "Here ya go, dude!" He said as he walked up to Matthew and handed him the large orange envelope.

Matthew's eyebrows shot up in surprise as he gingerly took the offered package and asked Alfred who it was from.

"Who do you think? I don't do deliveries for just anyone ya know." Alfred crossed his arms at this statement and grinned as his brother lost all the colour he had. "The Boss said not to open it until you're alone and then to burn it all." His brother nodded unsure of what could be in this important package.

"Are we still meeting later to discus other matters?" Matthew asked unsure if this meant he had more free time to visit his men.

"Of course, bro! I just came here to deliver that package to you, I have to go know. I'll see you later, Mattie!" Alfred waved to his brother as he got into his car and drove off. Matthew was still in the middle of the road, shocked that a very powerful man had given him a package. Probably another poor soul that owed the man money and tried to escape, Matthew sighed, a little more aware of his surroundings. It's time for work, I guess, Matthew thought as he walked over to his red 2015 Chevy Camaro, hoped in and drove to were he does his "business" with others like him.


This is my first fanfiction and I'd say this chapter was pretty good, even though The Awesome Prussia hasn't been introduced yet (sorry about that, I hope to write about him soon, so stay patient with me!).

Also if you like this story comment and vote for this fanfiction! I'd be really happy and that might make me write the next chapter faster. ≧◡≦

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