Chapter 12

177 13 7

Italics - Gilbert's thoughts



Gilbert left the room feeling very accomplished for not getting himself killed by the hostile American inside. Although his mood dropped slightly when he saw his front door lying on the floor a few feet away. The hinges were completely busted and pieces of wood had scattered throughout the hallway. Vell I'm not cleaning zhat up Gilbert thought to himself with a snicker.

The Prussian walked over to the mess that was his door and bent down to see if anything could be salvaged. He wondered briefly if super-strength ran in the family and if his small Canadian could do the same. The albino's mind wandered back to the Canadian's build and he found himself blushing.

Vith abs like zhose he definitely has super strength Gilbert snorted at this and shook his head to get the thoughts out. He stood up and wandered into the living room to find Francis and Ludwig speaking in hushed tones, their arms flying rapidly as they spoke. They stopped as soon as they saw Gilbert enter the room. Both sets of blue eyes stared at the albino as an awkward silence encompassed the area.

"Uh, Matthew's avake if jou vanted to check on him." Gilbert said bouncing on the balls of his feet with his hands clasped behind his back. Francis nodded and excused himself to see the Canadian. Gilbert's ruby eyes followed the Frenchman out of the living room and returned to the younger German.

"So vhat are ve doing about zhe door?" Gilbert asked pointing with his thumb to the gaping hole in the front of the house. Ludwig sighed and walked over to the fallen piece of wood. He gently picked it up and placed it in its original place. The door creaked as more debris fell off. Ludwig stood back and looked at the missing spaces in the door frame.

"Zhis vill have to do for now." Ludwig turned back to his brother who scrunched his nose in disgust at the new design. Ludwig shifted his eyes to his brother and gave him an ice cold glare. Gilbert almost laughed- almost. He knew better than to piss off his brother any more because the situation was entirely his fault.

"Mind telling me vhy our door is like zhis." Ludwig took a step closer to his brother and used his full height to look down on the older man.

"It's a funny story actually, jou're going to laugh, I promise. Um, Birdie's bruder found out he vas hurt und rushed over here and might have ripped zhe door from zhe hinges. But jou already know zhat. So vhy are jou asking me?" Gilbert asked awkwardly laughing and rubbing the back of his neck. He took a step backwards, out of Ludwig's reach.

"Und who's 'Birdie'?" Ludwig asked calmly, pinching the brig of his nose and inhaling deeply.

"Um, the guy you stitched up?" The albino said as more of a question. Ludwig's eyes darted towards the room currently holding their three visitors.

"Oh don't be mad, jou vould do zhe same for me or-or Feli." Gilbert tried to lighten his brother's mood before things got out of hand. Ludwig didn't say anything but his cheeks turned a light pink at the mention of the Italian.

"Make sure nozhing else is broken, got it?" The younger brother said, leaving the room in favour of finding a broom to clean the mess at their entrance.

"Yes sir!" The albino said, saluting his brother as he left. Gilbert snickered as he could hear the eye roll he received. 

A low whine coming from the other side of the room caught Gilbert's attention. He turned towards the sound and saw two large cages with blankets thrown over the tops. He could see four tiny snouts peeking out from one of the cages and two larger snouts from the bottom of the other. He took the blankets off and all six dogs tried to leap out of the cages and onto the albino. 

"Luddy! Did jou feed zhe dogs yet?" The albino yelled while slipping his hand through the bars and petting his dogs' heads. 

"Ja." Ludwig said appearing at the entrance to the room, broom in hand. 

"JEEEZUS, JOU NEED A BELL!" Gilbert said jumping three feet in the air, clutching his heart. The largest dog, Fritz, a German Shepard started barking at the albino's outburst, scaring Gilbert more. Ludwig smirked at this, making his brother dramatically gasp. 

"I thought jou loved me." Gilbert said brushing a fake tear from his eyes. Ludwig rolled his eyes at his brother.

"Jou're so cruel." Gilbert turned away and started sniveling. 

"Jou know, jou could help me clean this mess up." Ludwig said turning to leave to return to his task. 

"Nah, I'm going to take a nap vith zhe dogs." Gilbert said with a yawn. He didn't realize how tired he was, apparently staying awake for two days was unhealthy. Oops Gilbert thought and opened the first cage with the smaller dogs. They rushed out and Gilbert had to dive to catch them before they could cause trouble in the house. He gathered them up in his arms and tried his best to move without dropping them. 

The dogs were all different breeds: Dustin was a small beagle, Axel was a husky, Jayden was a pug, Klien was a golden retriever, and Max, a St. Bernard, was the biggest and furriest of the six. With a shaky hand Gilbert unlocked the other cage. The large dogs nosed the gate open and started to follow the albino. The dogs were still trying to wiggle their way to freedom from his arms.

Gilbert made it to the basement door with the bundles of joy still in his arms. He walked down the stairs very slowly with the other dogs following behind him. Once he made it to the bottom of the stairs, he bent down to release the small pups. The larger dogs stood in front of the stairs, blocking the smaller ones' exit. 

Gilbert heard a chirp and turned to greet his bird, Gilbird. The albino whistled back and made his way to his bed. He noticed the dogs were following him and he scoped the smaller ones into his arms again and put them down gently on his bed. He then found a mostly comfortable position and settled down. The older dogs jumped up on the bed and cuddled with the albino and the younger pups. 

"Aww, ain't zhat cute." Gilbert said sleepily, he took one last yawn before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep. This time Gilbert did not dream of his Birdie, but of the time he got locked in the dog cage and couldn't get out until Ludwig got home.


I want to thank each and every person who read this fanfiction, you don't understand how incredibly happy I am. I honestly didn't think so many people would like this fanfiction but you guys did so THANK YOU for voting, reading and commenting.

I started this fanfiction because I was bored one day and my friend thought I should try out writing. She helped me get this far and even created the title. Thank you Phanfiction4Phandom for helping me get this far and constantly reminding me to write for this fanfiction!

I'm sorry this chapter took so long to write, I honestly didn't know what to do for it but it's done now! Also the next chapter might be very late (again) because I'm me (I'm sorry).

Thanks again and if you guys liked this fanfic go ahead and press that vote star, comment and share this with your friends!! Until the next update!             (●'ω●)

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