I woke up and there he was

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When you woke up your head started to pound as you touched your forehead trying to relieve some of the pressure. Suddenly, you lifted your head and gasped wondering where you were. You took your hand off your head and noticed blood from it and guessed it was a cut. You said," man, what happened", in a whisper unsure if anyone would be in the room with you. You lifted yourself from the bed that just happened to be decorated with old blankets.

But, you heard some footsteps creaking outside the room door and the handle slowly turned to open. Pyramid head came in and didn't say anything to walk into the small room. You were too scared to move and tried to stay calm gripping the sheets of the bed. He began walking around the room trying to guess what your next move would be now that it was you and him alone.

"You must be...Pyramid head, right", you mustered the courage to say to him when he turned toward you in curiosity and carried his giant knife with him. You backed yourself to the wall on the bed and watched him stare at you. He walked to a couch across the room and laid his knife on it and didn't say a word. You asked " can you talk ", he nodded but, didn't say anything instead he walked to you. You gulped and turned your head with your eyes closed hoping he wasn't about to hurt you. All you could hear was his breathing but, was able to make out hear the sound of his voice coming from it. It almost sounded soothing to you. You felt his touch on your face and flinched as you tried to make sense of what he was about to do with you. I guess he noticed your fear and backed away from you as the bed squeaked assuming that he was sitting down away from me. You opened your eyes and wondered how he was able to see through that metal mask he had on. You couldn't explain this feeling you felt by the way he was just staring at you. You felt like racing to the door and leaving him but, what made you want to stay.

This story might end at part 5 or, something. Just to notify everyone. : )

Pyramid of love  *COMPLETED* Where stories live. Discover now