Wendy Lee

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Super short update and one of the last's :'(

Today was finally the day that if been waiting for! The day I go to a Rick Riordan book signing. I've been a fan for the longest of time now and Ive never been more excited for something!

My mom was going to take me and my best friend Mina Yoo to Barnes and Nobles.

As we drove to Mina's house I jammed out to SHINee's 'Tell me what to do'.

When we reached her house she got into the car and off we went to the book shop.

Around 20 minutes later we reached the store and ran into the shop. Many other fangirls and fanboys were in line to get their book signed.

As we waited, Mina and I discussed some of our new favorite songs and books.

As the line went we were finnaly next. I was super excited.

What was I going to ask him?

Am I just going to smile and wave?

A picture maybe?

I was so confused and I didn't have much time but than we were next. Mina being a happy, bubbly girl ran up to him asking questions and taking a picture.

"Wendy! Can you take the pic?" Mina asked.

I replied with a yes, took her phone and snapped a few pictures.

"Come join us!" Mina asked.

"Sure" I smiled, my eyes closing a bit.

I got next to Rick and one of the workers took a picture. My smile was huge. I have never been this happy in a photograph.

Next chapter is the last :( Sorry! It comes out on Friday :'l - Alice

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