Chapter 1. } Damon

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God how do I even start this story? It seems that every author I read about can make an idea and write it with no faults. Fuck. Guess I have no choice but to tell you my life story. The truth about me. Don't be a dick. Here goes.

Let's start from the beginning, no let's start at the end since I love being so dramatic.

My name is Lacey Colwyn. I'm 16 with dyed bubblegum pink hair, freckled pale skin, short stuctured body with no muscles whatsoever, brown eyes, and of course I'm dead. Didn't expect that did you?

Who would expect a 16 year old to commit suicide? Everyone. It's so ironic in today's society hearing about some poor kid offing themselves isn't even new news. Hearing the kid had hung herself isn't even orginal either.

What's new is that this poor kid committed suicide to be with her Romeo. The guy who had captured the moon and brought it back just for her. The guy who had been everything. The guy who had died from a car accident.

The guy who was a bad boy. Romeo. My Romeo.

My downfall.

Looking back now I feel regret. Life was pretty good for me I mean I had a great family, friends, and we'll everything. I never was hungry or homeless. I lived in a middle class house with a middle-class family who were going places. My sister was a doctor. My mom was a retail manager. My dad was a car sales man. Than there was me.

Pathetic Lacey. The girl who killed herself because of grief. The girl who didn't go to college, get married have kids, or even die at old age.

Idiotic huh?

Yeah go ahead and laugh, I would.

You should have heard the news story's after my death. God I wish I could go back in time and fix all the mistakes I caused but nope here I am a sarcastic nerdy teenager in Limbo.

Limbo is like a middle. It's where those who are still being judged by God are stuck. A white plain of your own with nothing to accompany you by. Ridiculous I could almost feel myself going insane already. Biting my bottom lip (which was already dry with dead skin) I huff crossing my arms in a constant floating position.

No offense to God but he could at least give me some entertainment.

"Now what fun would that be?" A voice says making me turn around astonished. Holly fucking hell someone was here. In this hell hole. With me!

This had to be a dream.

"Who are you?" I quickly ask trying to seem on guard but in truth I was way too excited by the new company.

"Damon but you can also call me your guardian angel" he says doing a small bow making me laugh. Was he serious?

The guy looked like Andrew Garfield from the 'Amazing Spiderman' movie. Except he didn't wear glasses or twitch every 5 seconds which was good. Instead he had that annoying smirk on his face. I could already tell he was going to be a jerk.

"Guardian angel? Are you serious?" I ask tilting my head slightly. He laughs.

"You better belive it kid your not dreaming all this shit and if you are, better wake up soon Dorothy" he says inching closer making me squint my eyes taking each and every feature of his in.

OK I will admit it.

He's hot.

His hair was a dark brown that was almost to his shoulders, I could already tell he kept good condition of his hair. He had a strong jawline with some heavy eyebrows but they made him look more attractive. His eyes were an amazing color of hazel and he was at least a good 4 inches taller than me. Damn him. His beard even looked to be naturally well kept.

In my next life I wanna be a dude. I hate this whole chick thing like who the hell wants to shave everything all the time or bleed out in their sleep? I rather be a hot guy without even trying so hard.

Scoffing he raises his eyebrows at me.

"What?" I ask confused trying to center myself from the floating.

"I can read your mind here, Limbo is not Earth rember? Everything here I controlled by either Hell or Heaven depending on the person, in your case you have me and also.." He stops groaning making me look at him confused. Also who?

"Let's not talk about the devil side of Limbo..I came here to make a deal" he says clasping his hands together making the place seem as if it eas going to come apart from the loud noise.

Noise seemed to be almost foreign here. Like the whole place would fall apart by a loud yell. I wanted to test it out later.

"What deal?" I ask him my curiosity growing by every word he spoke. By this point I didn't care if he heard my inner thoughts or not. So what if knew I thought he was attractive or that all the stuff coming from his mouth made me want to pounce him demanding him to tell me everything he knew.

To tell me there's a way put of this Limbo. Out of death.

"Well since your a suicide God has thought over on how to deal with you, generally all suicides go to hell but God thinks that you deserve another chance" he says making my eyes widen. Was he serious? Why in the world would God give a smart ass teenager with no life a second chance? This had to be some joke.

"I'm not buying this" I say anger starting to bubble. How dare he mess with me and bring my hopes up.

"Woah calm down there Hulk I can feel your anger in this realm and let me tell you its a thousand times more bothersome" he says making me blush a slight tint of pink. Of course that made the bastard grin. Oh how I hate him.

"But there is a catch to your second chance" he quickly adds after I made my way closer to his form. A catch? I then gave the angel a look that said to elaborate.

"Your going to go back as someone completely new..and this time you can't fuck up".

My heart stops. Someone new? What did he mean?


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2016 ⏰

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