Chapter 10

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After heating up some leftovers for Adam we sit in the living room watching TV. I let Adam have control of the remote, feeling too tired to really focus on what I'm watching. He puts on a comedians tour that's showing. After sitting down for around half an hour, my eyes started getting heavy. I started trying to get comfortable leaning up against the side of the sofa, it's not the most comfortable place to try and sit. Adam must have seen me not being able to get comfortable, because the next thing I know Adam is nudging my side, pointing to a pillow on his lap, implying for me to rest my head there.

"You didn't look very comfortable" Adam all but whispers.

"Oh. T-thanks" I stammer, laying down on the pillow.

It must have been a couple of minutes before I heard a threatening voice say "Who the fuck are you?!"

I shot up faster than the speed of light, seeing Alex standing in the doorway from behind the sofa. "Alex, shut up. He's a guest." I blurted out, hoping he would be a little more polite.

"A guest? Mum said nothing about any guests staying whilst we were here." He said rather rudely. His face looked as if he fell in a pile of dog shit. Disgusted. The bad thing was that it was aimed at me.

I was starting to get angry with the way he was talking, he was acting as if we had done something wrong. "Well, you're guests too so what does that say?" I replied, just as rudely as him.

"Guests? We're not guests. We get paid to look after you." He replied with so much vemon. This made me angry. How dare he speak to me like that. "Oh yeah," I snap back with just as much venom in my tone "you're the paid help. I forgot"

"Um. I-I'll just go check on Jackie" Adam says quietly. I was so focused on Alex that I completely forgot he was here.

"I'll come with you, this conversation was just finishing anyway." I said whilst breaking eye contact with Alex.

"Kara. We aren't finished talking." Alex said.

I halt in my steps, getting even more angry with him. I clench my fists, digging my nails into my hands out of frustration. "I'll meet you upstairs, Adam." I say looking straight at him, refusing to look in Alex's direction.

Once Adam had left, that's when I finally looked at Alex, but he wasn't looking at me, he was watching Adam leave the room, like a hawk.

"Would you quit staring at him. He isn't going to do anything." I stated bluntly.

Alex mumbled something under his breath that sounded like, wouldn't put it past him. "Why is he here?" He said still looking at me in disgust.

"Why are you looking at me like I'm a piece of shit on the bottom of your shoe?" I said, completely ignoring his question and asking my own.

"You know why." He said, his voice sharp, straight to the point.

"No, I don't. Please do enlighten me." I replied, with just the same amount of sharpness in my voice.

"I don't have time for this, just go upstairs to your guest" With that he just walks away. The way he said the word guest surprised me. It sounded like he thought Adam was more than a guest? He didnt think he was anything more, did he?

A terrifying thought came into my head, as I stood in the middle of the living room not moving an inch. What if he tells someone at college about Adam being here?. People would automatically assume that me and Adam are a couple, which would then make them spread gossip around the building and all of that would lead straight to Blade. Oh my God, what would Blade think? I realise where my trial of thought it heading and stop. Who cares what Blade thinks? He cheated on me. Me and Adam aren't even a couple.

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