Chapter 1

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Blade's car stinks. It always has. I've told him before, but he always says he can't smell anything. It smells like other girls; I've told him that too. He tells me it's just because after football practice he gives the girls team a ride to wherever it is they go, but I know that's a lie. He hates the girls football team, says girls "don't know how to kick a ball properly" which only leaves the whores that latch onto him at college all the time. I'd hate to think he was cheating on me, I really would, but its just this smell; it's everywhere!

Me and Blade have been together for three years, since we were fourteen. We met at school, obviously; but it was Primary School. I've known him since I was five years old. He was the sweetest little kid you could have ever laid eyes on and he knew it. Something changed though, when he got to year eleven. Final year of Secondary School. He became that guy all the girls wanted to date and all the guys wanted to be.

It started going to his head really, he became that egotistical jerk that everyone hates; except me. I love him. I can't help it, he's the main person in my life now that my dad's gone and I can't help but feel stupid for loving him. I never thought he'd started sleeping with the other girls, but now, sitting in this car with him, the thought is really starting to drive me crazy.

We're on our way to a double date. Me and Blade with my best friend Emma and Blade's best friend Jake; although, apparently Blade and Jake had an argument earlier on today after practice. Blade won't tell me what happened, but I'm sure Emma knows. She'll tell me.

"Kara?" I realise Blade is talking to me, I wonder how long I've been zoning out on him.

"Huh?" My oh-so-smart response. I turn to look at him, he's watching the road with a scowl on his face; he's been talking for a while.

"Doesn't matter, we're almost at the restaurant now. Who are we meeting for a double date this week? Is it Emily and Dean or Josh an-"

"Emma and Jake." I interrupted him. I knew he was mocking me, he hated double date night. Every two weeks we have a double date night, the only thing Blade likes about it is that the couple I choose always has a guy from his football team. They're his only real friends; quite sad really.

"Jake?" He questioned, his hands were tightening around the steering wheel, his knuckles turning whiter than his already pale skin. I didn't reply. I didn't have to. He knew what I was going to ask him, and I knew he wouldn't reply.

"We're here." He says before taking the keys out of the ignition and getting out of the car before I can even reply. I thought he was going to open the car door for me, he normally would. So I sit there and wait, but he just stands by the car as if I'm not even here.

I get out of the car on my own and turn to look at him. He's angry, I can tell. I walk around the car and stand in front of him. I look up into the deep blue eyes I fell for all those years ago, but I don't say anything. He rests his head against mine and sighs.

"Sorry. I was supposed to open the door for you" is all he says. I just keep staring. "Kara? I said I was sorry. Are you angry with me?" There's this guilty look in his eyes, I know he's sorry. He should know I forgave him before I even got out of the car. It's looking into these eyes when I tell myself there's absolutely no way he's cheating on me.

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