Chapter 2

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Staring up into Blade's deep blue eyes, I just seem to get lost. He can't be cheating on me, there's no way he's cheating on me I say, over and over, in my head. "Kara? Please don't be angry with me" Blade says before engulfing me in a hug. My hands get stuck between us, so I just grip onto his shirt, holding him close. He smells just as good as always, so I take a deep breath. 

"I love you" I mumble into his chest gripping onto his shirt tighter. The hug tightens as I hear Blade inhale rather loudly before saying "I love you too, Kara." To hear him actually say it brings tears to my eyes. He wouldn't lie about something like that, so he must love me. He really loves me. I pull back a little and Blade loosens his grip. Before he can even ask me what I'm doing, I lean up and kiss him. Not one of those overly long passionate kisses, just a peck, a small kiss. Just enough for him to know I really do love him. "We should go inside now" I say quietly, almost a whisper. Blade just nods, his hand running down my arm until his fingers interlace with mine. After standing there for another 5 minutes, just staring into each others eyes, we finally break apart and head towards the restaurant. 

Once inside, it becomes easy to spot Emma and Jake, they're arguing about something. Emma and Jake never argue, something must be really wrong. I look at Blade and he's frowning, but not in the way someone frowns when they're confused, more like he's angry about something. Why is everyone arguing today? I nudge Blade with my elbow "Do you think you could put your argument with Jake to the side tonight? It'd be nice if we could all get along for this dinner." He looks at me and smiles "Anything for you Kara" He says before pulling me by my hand towards the table. 

"Dammit Jake." is all I get to hear from Emma before she notices us and cuts off their conversation. "Kara!" Emma practically screams as she jumps out of her chair and pulls me from Blade's grip and into her own. I hug her back while she squeezes all the oxygen from my lungs. "Alright Emma, I think you're killing her" I hear Jake say as Blade chuckles. Emma pulls back and looks at Blade. "Hi Blade" she says, before turning round and back to her seat. I start to frown as I look at Emma. She's nice to everyone and always gives hugs. Why didn't she hug Blade? She normally hugs Blade. I look over at Jake, he's smiling but he doesn't look happy. I lift one eyebrow as Jake looks at me, "What? No hug?" is all I have to say before he's out of his seat and giving me a quick hug. 

We all sit down and everything falls silent. No one seems to know what to talk about. Emma, Jake and Blade all seem to be looking at each other, it's like they all know something I don't. I open my mouth to ask what's going on, but before I can speak a waitress comes over. 

"Hi, my names Jen and I'll be your waitress for this evening." She's saying all of this while staring straight at Blade. "Would you like to start off with drinks or just order everything now?" It's as if we're not even here. I lean over and grab Blade's hand, hoping she'll realise he's taken. 

"We'l just order everything now thanks." Emma says in a stern voice. So she noticed too. Jen didn't even flinch at the tone of Emma's voice, she just kept looking at Blade. Her eyes dart down to my hand, wrapped in Blade's, and she smirks before saying "alright, so what can I get for you all?" 

Jake orders first, for both him and Emma, already knowing what she likes. "Yeah, we'll have two cokes, a small margarita pizza with extra sauce for the lady and a large meat feast with extra meat for myself." I almost laugh at how different their orders are. I look at Blade, expecting him to order for me but he just says "I'll have a lemonade and the same pizza as him." My whole face drops. The smile that was slowly appearing? Gone. The spark that I knew was in my eyes? Gone. Emma and Jake are both frowning now, so obviously they noticed. Even Jen noticed, that smirk turning into a full blown grin. Quickly, I say "I'll have a lemonade and a lasagna." to the waitress before turning to Emma and Jake and saying "Just need to use the toilet, be back in a second" I squeeze Blade's hand as I go to stand up, grabbing his attention. He looks at me smiling, before looking properly into my eyes. He can see I'm upset. The smile drops from his face and he starts to say my name. I let go of his hand and head to the toilets before he even has a chance to speak. 

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