Scared of Moving Again

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So I found out that I was moving far away from my family. Most of it anyway. But I've been staying with my girlfriend for the past couple of months, her mother adores me, but the only reason my grades went up is because I've been studying with her, and I'm happy to study with her, but if I move in afraid my grades will plummet. My mother doesn't see my concerns. She works, and my step father works. No one is able to help me because I work online. I've been getting a load of help from my girlfriends mother. I'm just terrified of leaving.

To Note-
I can't stay with my biological father or he will hurt me more then he has. My biological father doesn't have custody of me because he hasn't payed for the child support. He can't really do much for me.

My girlfriend has stopped many suicidal attempts. She also tried to keep me happy, which it works for a while. But then when she's not in the same room as me my fragile heart shatters and I cry. Earlier today I was studying with her and one of our friends came over and my girlfriend ditched me to hang out with her. I was left studying with her mother. My heart hated that and made me sob. That's another issue. I'd hate to leave here and be broken. My grades will drop, my sanity will drop. And I'll become a hermit, I already went threw a short month psychosis. I don't want to go threw it again. It was painful and I became highly anorexic, I had insomnia, I had to be stopped from a ton of suicidal actions. My life was fucked up when I moved the first time.

My girlfriend's mother said that she'd let me stay here for a long while, only if my grades truly improve in the short while I'm here. I'm sure my mom will let me stay here for my grades and sanity.

Anyway that's all my sperts of emotions for now, I know there will be a lot of this. Probably not published, but a lot for the most part.

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